You think I'm going to police debate tactics in the Lumie thread?
View attachment 119286
No, I don't. And certainly not now, I thought that goes without saying.
I was careful to scope this to anyone involved in an actual debate or discussion, with exceptions for jokes and .gifs if you really insist on drive-by posting some kind of nasty dissent.
Coming by just to post "fucking retard" is the argument of a preschooler and/or socially retarded bully. "Debate" what, exactly? People take notice of these things regardless. Most people reading this thread don't want to take sides, they just want to see crazy and poke it with sticks and prod it along. "fucking retard" is not toward that end, and its not even remotely civil, even if flames are fair game regardless of whether they are contributing to the discussion or currently in a discussion.
People who aren't engaged in the discussion, or are refusing to create their own topic discussion here, are stamping out any possibility of a classic Lumie thread with their nastiness. That goes without saying and it wasn't about the debate. I said anyone in the debate is fair game. That seems to be the general unwritten rule here anyway.
The Lumie thread has always been different. Whats crazy and conspiratorial if we aren't going to be able to get crazy due to angry nerds driving by 1-posting and filling pages up with empty vulgar language that doesn't even contain any thread in it. There is no thread in the posts that these guys are making. Again, "debate"?
I am just pointing out that there are drive-by asshats who aren't doing anything except shitting up the thread, so instead of getting really crazy, the thread just gets really nasty. Its too late now, I mean I DDT'd this WizFire guy so hard he is on an all-out salt offensive. But that doesn't mean drive-by shitposting without being funny, cool, or intellectually stimulating in some way should be 100% OK.
We can consider settling on it being 99% OK, without using this thread as an example. If he can stick to posting intellectually stimulating slams, disses, sick burns, and slurs the forum would be a lot better off. We come here for stimulation or to pass time in a stimulating way.
One-liner "fucking retard", "fucktard", "*insert fuck-something*", for 10 pages has turned more than one person off, and I am not a mod or privy to the moderation, but I figure its getting close to whistle time on the uninspired garbage. A shitty life makes shitty posts. Just because someone isn't doing that well doesn't give them a license to shit up a thread with one-line "retard" posts again, and again, and again.
As I said, I'm fine with it within the frame of a debate or discussion. But its getting stale. At least he posted a video of a comedy short this time, as I said up top, that's a step in the right direction if you want to express dissent.
Ex. I am not going to discuss electromagnetic frequencies at the earths core and their potential effect on the human brain, the history of the month of February and how certain months were regarded by Roman emperors and its implication, if people like WizFire are going to stifle and smother the thread with their bitter stench, and thats why I ignored
Woefully Inept
's topic change suggestion. We're stuck, and the same cast of characters is going to be too bitter to move on.
See Wizfire's post #2161 as prime evidence of that. In the face of levity and an attempt to drop the subject, he got angrier and wants to hold any further discussion or the idea of levity in contempt. That is where I would personally start to begin to draw the line on ad hominem. When a poster is trying to switch course and shift gears, and the same toxic shtick comes around again-- surely you can see some of what I'm saying.
That's starting to get towards intolerable I'd think, for any poster. If you can't see even 1% of that, no big deal. I'm not in charge here and don't claim to know best. But I do know that the topics, the tone, and the energy of the thread will suffer as a result of the phenomenon and the pattern of behavior I've outlined. If the thread wants any chance, this phenomenon has to be stemmed. I think my concern is valid, people are tired of it, and the WizFire's aren't going to let go easily, as evidenced in #2161.