"Most recently, this 4Chan FBI insider predicted that the US President would soon make a speech that would utterly expose the Cabal.
This speech would greatly impugn the historic credibility of the FBI, CIA and Federal Reserve, pinning almost unthinkably massive crimes on each one.
We also heard that Wikileaks has a cache of documents, photos and videos that are vastly worse than the October 2016 "Pizzagate" scandal.
Julian Assange released a code, known as a "hash," that apparently would de-encrypt this file once it was released -- whenever that turned out to be.
This file was apparently seized by the NYPD from Antony Weiner's laptop after he was arrested for pedophilia charges -- and before the FBI got their hands on it.
The file was undoubtedly compiled with the help of his wife Huma Abedin, who was vice chairwoman of Hillary's campaign.
The title of the file was
Life Insurance. It was apparently intended to be used as leverage to keep Weiner and Abedin from being assassinated.
The existence of this file, and its contents, was predicted in disclosures from a DC insider at TBRNews, as well as MegAnon on 4Chan -- among others."
There's gotta be at least a couple of you that reads this shit.
I'm sure this is the right thread for this.
Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat?