I wish I was there a couple days earlier for the Easter crucifixionsWere you there for the pope visit?
I did, actually
Strangely horny, but arms aren't long enough to masturbate?It makes you a asexual tyrannosaurus.
Random Deepak Chopra Quote Generator - Wisdom of Chopra.com not .edu says it all. Should be illegal to call itself a college.
I particularly like that their "monthly quote" is from Deepak Chopra
Quote would also work for any multi level marketing company.Besides the typo, I'm pretty sure that's the millennial manifesto. No wonder all that fake healing/anti vax/homeopathy bs is gaining ground.
"The future fears positive molecules."Random Deepak Chopra Quote Generator - Wisdom of Chopra
"Your random fictional Deepak Chopra quote: Greatness undertakes mortal life"