I've had a long time interest in the paranormal, and tried to find an explanation for it that both allows for people to experience and witness truly fucked up shit (alien abductions, other dimensions, etc) without them lying about it, and without it breaking too much of what we know about this universe. It appeared to be a futile effort until I started to read about psychedelics, especially Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT. This is one of the most powerful psychedelic compounds known to man and is manufactured naturally in most living organisms, including in humans (it's also an illegal substance, so the next time you go through customs, remember that both you and the customs officers have controlled substances on you!
). Apparently not much is known about why we produce this, or what it's function is, as it seems to normally occur in too small a dosage to produce a psychedelic reaction.
However, in the early 90's Dr. Rick Strassman performed experiments on people with DMT and recorded their reactions to it. First of all, the visions they saw were described along the lines of "more real than real" or some such, that is, had they not known they were undergoing an experiment they would have believed what they saw to have actually happened. Many had what they described as a religious experience. About half had an encounter with non-human intelligence, and at least one person underwent an alien abduction. Needless to say the experiments were all performed in a hospital with Dr. Strassman and a nurse observing, and they, of course never saw any of these things.
What is noteworthy of this research is the following. It is hypothetically possible for the human body to produce the psychedelic DMT, which will cause the subject to experience something out of this world, without knowing himself that it is not actually real. For me, this is what I have found to be the answer to most paranormal and religious experiences documented, without having to resort to either believing the witness to be lying, or that something actually did happen in this physical universe.
Dr. Strassman's book, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, is a must read for anyone interested in this subject. A documentary has also been made about this with interviews with Strassman and some of the participants, but it lacks a lot of the science, background and issues raised in his book. You should be able to find the book on Amazon, and possibly an e-book version somewhere. The documentary trailer is here, and you should be able to find a torrent of it somewhere.
However, in the early 90's Dr. Rick Strassman performed experiments on people with DMT and recorded their reactions to it. First of all, the visions they saw were described along the lines of "more real than real" or some such, that is, had they not known they were undergoing an experiment they would have believed what they saw to have actually happened. Many had what they described as a religious experience. About half had an encounter with non-human intelligence, and at least one person underwent an alien abduction. Needless to say the experiments were all performed in a hospital with Dr. Strassman and a nurse observing, and they, of course never saw any of these things.
What is noteworthy of this research is the following. It is hypothetically possible for the human body to produce the psychedelic DMT, which will cause the subject to experience something out of this world, without knowing himself that it is not actually real. For me, this is what I have found to be the answer to most paranormal and religious experiences documented, without having to resort to either believing the witness to be lying, or that something actually did happen in this physical universe.
Dr. Strassman's book, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, is a must read for anyone interested in this subject. A documentary has also been made about this with interviews with Strassman and some of the participants, but it lacks a lot of the science, background and issues raised in his book. You should be able to find the book on Amazon, and possibly an e-book version somewhere. The documentary trailer is here, and you should be able to find a torrent of it somewhere.