Making a Murderer (Netflix) - New info

Jive Turkey

No clue what you're on about, but will respond I guess. I think we've argued about some things when it was something arguable, and I think I've probably even said something you posted was dumb when I thought it was, or that you were being a dumbass when you were. Like early on in The Walking Dead. Not that it matters.

If you haven't noticed there's a bit of a game here where someone will disagree with you and other people will pile on whether they're in the right or not because they see it as an easy win. I typically pick my own battles and go against the throng of forum tough guys so am not much for piling on. But I'm sure that played a part in Kanewithoutaneich's responding to you figuring people would just pile on and he'd be absolved of having to actually make sense. Unfortunately he just started making up bullshit because he thought he was on The View and being outraged or scandalous is all the rage.

Stop being so defensive.
He was probably talking about the fact I didn't include an h in his name. For fuck sake you can't even follow along with this thread, which makes sense. I suspected you didn't even read most posts because you typically seem ignorant even when it relates directly to discussions being had right in front of you. Thanks for confirming that.

As to your repeated posts for no other reason to insult me. I find them entertaining as they reinforce my satirical method of making fun of you, but would also appreciate some actual content in them. Or maybe at least start reading the thread and then responding in a way makes sense to the other responses. Either way, though.
Even Sylas had the good sense to tone down the hostility when it was pointed out to him. And you're not one to engage in a pile-on? lol alright. The whole reason you've been posting here is because you feel like you're on the 'winning' team and get to stick it to someone on the internet

Your last post to Chuk is a great insight into your debating technique. I'm also partial to your habit of making long winded posts to explain common knowledge; more words don't make us think you're smarter, they betray your lack of intelligence. You continually use phrases that someone else has used a page or two earlier. Your 'insults' are poorly rehashed and unwitty insults other people have just thrown at you (Kanesuckerbreath? really? That's the best you can do? Kanewithoutaneich? that's not even how you spell it. And interesting that the one time the guy disagrees with you, you go full retard on him). The only problem is you're too dim to realize how dim you are, so there's almost no sense in debating with you. You're a walking Dunning-Krueger. Go back to ploughing the fields or making sure the bottles don't fall off the assembly line or whatever it is you do for a living


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Dude had an IQ of 70. Rational thought? This also flies in the face of the Dexter like crime scene clean-up job.


Potato del Grande
Even Sylas had the good sense to tone down the hostility when it was pointed out to him. And you're not one to engage in a pile-on? lol alright. The whole reason you've been posting here is because you feel like you're on the 'winning' team and get to stick it to someone on the internet

Your last post to Chuk is a great insight into your debating technique. I'm also partial to your habit of making long winded posts to explain common knowledge; more words don't make us think you're smarter, they betray your lack of intelligence. You continually use phrases that someone else has used a page or two earlier. Your 'insults' are poorly rehashed and unwitty insults other people have just thrown at you (Kanesuckerbreath? really? That's the best you can do? Kanewithoutaneich? that's not even how you spell it. And interesting that the one time the guy disagrees with you, you go full retard on him). The only problem is you're too dim to realize how dim you are, so there's almost no sense in debating with you. You're a walking Dunning-Krueger. Go back to ploughing the fields or making sure the bottles don't fall off the assembly line or whatever it is you do for a living
I liked your long, defensive post about your life and declared maturity much better. Yeah, yeah, we get it, you drive a Dodge Stratus and deserve respect!

Jive Turkey

I liked your long, defensive post about your life and declared maturity much better. Yeah, yeah, we get it, you drive a Dodge Stratus and deserve respect!
Declared maturity? When have I ever done that? I still laugh at fart jokes, for fuck sake. Oh, you're conflating the time I asked if you were a teenager with me declaring my maturity? Not surprised. The point of the teenager question was because a lot of the language you use I'd expect to hear from a 19 year old. It wasn't necessarily intended as an insult; there's nothing wrong with being a teenager. It would just help me understand your behaviour a little more. You're either a fat, mildly dumb grown man, or a young, probably pimple-faced teen. Either way, it would go a long way in understanding your latent aggression toward strangers on the internet. Nobody would give a shit in your actual life


Potato del Grande
Wait what? Shit... there are a lot of murderers on the loose.
It's true. Murders are the types of people who also kill animals. That means if you kill animals, you become a murderer. Haven't you heard that saying about how correlation always implies causation?


Got something right about marriage
No, it's documented that serial killers have recounted animal torture as their first act of violence, that doesn't correlate to everyone who ever harmed an animal being a murderer Jive. Shit, I guess I'm a murderer too for the times I kicked my brother's cat because fuck cats.


Millie's Staff Member
It's not really up for debate. It's a fairly well documented behaviour
yeah, its one of those things people attribute to socipaths, along with being obsessed with fire. although its a load of shit because if killing small animals was sign of a serial killer or loony then all trappers in the history of the world are serial killers.


Unelected Mod
Killing animals with traps is far different than dousing a cat in gasoline and setting it on fire. One is hunting, the other is torture. Come the fuck on.


Buzzfeed Editor
A pattern of torturing animals can be an early indicator of the kind of emotional disconnect that some killers have. That is a huge difference from saying that torturing animals is a gateway to murdering people. Huge, huge difference.


Unelected Mod
Well, I don't see it as that much of a difference. Anyone who tortures animals to death is pretty damn close to as morally reprehensible to me as a murderer of humans.

Of course it doesn't show he killed anyone. However, it conclusively proves he was an utter piece of shit. Which is of course how the police probably justified framing the fuck out of him.


Buzzfeed Editor
It really is a big difference. You can't predict behavior based on one incident. And he's a retard who did it while drunk with a bunch of other guys there are so many factors there that just assuming he doesn't have empathy for the animal is pretty weak.

It proves that he did a fucked up thing once in 1982. That's about it. He may have felt guilty over it later, we'll never know.


Unelected Mod
I guess this is one of my problems with all the hubbub about this. Obviously Avery got the raw fucking deal. Shit was straight up fabricated against him. It was a gross miscarriage of justice. Yet people go from that to trying to pretend this guy was some angel.

Their were plenty of signs that this guy wasn't right in the head. Getting framed by the cops and being a piece of shit aren't mutually exclusive. The very fact he was almost surely a piece of shit is how the cops probably justified it to themselves. The whole "well, you might not have done this, but you probably got away with it before" bullshit justice crap.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Just like prosecutors and police don't do that on the whole either. Yet... sometimes it happens or we wouldn't even have a thread to discuss such things would we?
Well I did say "unless you have color of authority".

Jive Turkey

No, it's documented that serial killers have recounted animal torture as their first act of violence, that doesn't correlate to everyone who ever harmed an animal being a murderer Jive. Shit, I guess I'm a murderer too for the times I kicked my brother's cat because fuck cats.
Well now, I clearly qualified my response by saying it probably didn't apply in Avery's case (ie, noteverybodywho kills an animal is going to kill people). But it certainly is an indication of a sociopathic personality. And it is a gateway in that serial murders often progress from animals to humans. It's going to get really fucking pedantic in here if we have to couch all our posts with preemptive defenses against semantic rebuttals


<Bronze Donator>
The cat thing to me just shows a lack of empathy. Now if you want to take that statement and make a giant leap to murder I suppose you can. I'm not going to do that. Personally I think it along with other things either left out or glossed over in the series just shows a side to him that wasn't really explored. All in all it ties more into the propaganda angle of the documentary.

