Aychamo BanBan
- 6,338
- 7,144
He did cover his family cat in gas and throw in a fire - true
raped his niece - hearsay
allegations of domestic abuse - hearsay
writes disgusting things to women - The site admin has a pee fetish
Even his ex-fiance (they got engaged while in prison) thinks he's disgusting and thinks he did it. - motive, went on dr.phil to get 15minutes of fame.
There was no bloody bullet in the garage FYI. They found 'dna' on the bullet, not blood. In fact, the 'dna' that was on the bullet is from chapstick that was swapped on with a q-tip, we can see both the waxy substance and the cotton fibers under a microscope. Further, the state's claim is that the bullet was shot through her head and was directly responsible for her death, which is completely contradictory to the evidence.
him being a piece of shit human, does NOT deny him the right to a fair trial from the judicial side and lawful enforcement of the law of the land.... From Wiki
In March 1981, at age 18, Avery was convicted of burgling a bar with a friend. After serving ten months of a two-year sentence in the Manitowoc County Jail, he was released on probation and ordered to pay restitution.[11]
In late 1982, two men admitted that at Avery's suggestion, they threw Avery's cat "in a bonfire and then watched it burn until it died" after Avery had poured gas and oil on it.[13] Avery was found guilty of animal cruelty and was jailed until August 1983.[11] "I was young and stupid, and hanging out with the wrong people", Avery said later, of his first two incarcerations.[12]
In January 1985, Avery ran his cousin's car off to the side of the road. After she pulled over, Avery pointed a gun at her. Avery was upset that she had been spreading rumors about him masturbating on the front lawn, which he stated was not true. She later admitted to spreading these rumors and that she greatly disliked Steven. Avery maintained that the gun was not loaded and that he was simply trying to stop her from spreading rumors about him. He was sentenced to six years for "endangering safety while evincing a depraved mind" and possession of a firearm.[14]
In addition to rape and domestic abuse allegations as you mentioned. This sure doesn't paint the picture of a normal, innocent person. I've never had any of the above happen or be stated about me.
Also, see above, Brendan states that Avery inappropriately touched him too. Avery is a fucking serial molesting creep that couldn't control himself and raped and murdered TH.
Quote from elsewhere:"Prior to his wrongful incarceration he raped a friend of his wife Lori who was staying with them. He told her he’d kill her if she ever told anyone, and she never came forward until the time of the TH murder (and I believe statute of limitations had expired). During the period between the 18 yr incarceration and the TH murder he raped his underage niece. He told her if she told he’d kill her whole family and burn their house. He continued to carry on a sexual relationship with her for some time, and even bragged about it to his gf Jodi. The mother of the girl filed a complaint but the girl, fearing for everyone’s safety, denied it, so LE dropped it. Later, once he was behind bars and awaiting trial, the girl confirmed he had raped her. It was already such a media circus that the DA decided to not file additional charges pending the outcome of the murder trial, thus shielding the girl from the additional attention."
Question: Would you let Avery stay the night at your home with your family there?
I agree with you that FL22 bullet was not the bullet that went through her head. I do think the bullet passed elsewhere through her body without hitting bone. I don't think you can write "in fact, the DNA is from chapstick." That's someones idea of where it came from, but absolutely cannot state that is a fact.
Question: Would you let Avery stay the night at your home with your family there?
him being a piece of shit human, does NOT deny him the right to a fair trial from the judicial side and lawful enforcement of the law of the land.
he was denied a fair trial and continues to be denied fair judicial rulings by having an obvious corrupt manitowac court system against him.
he was denied propper law enforcement, by being directly targeted/framed and having the entire force being brought against him.
No one here is denying that Avery is a piece of shit, however he's served his time for his convicted and even wrongfully convicted fake crimes, he's a citizen, and is supposed to be "innocent before proven guilty"
NOPE, LEO took that away when they purposely did everything in their power and even over reached, to frame him a second time, and judges were actively turning a blind eye to such obvious unscrupolous acts.
I'd love to hear your plausible explanation for how he was framed, including how all forensic evidence was planted.
actually he made up his "feelz", his mind has nothing to do with this.You've just made up your mind and abandoned critical thinking because that's the easier thing to do.
the key
upon the SEVENth search, someone "jingles" a bookcase, and a key falls from the sky, that someone is manitowac LEO implicated in the 36m lawsuit.
Falxy, in both seasons many explanations and alternate theories were presented by experts in forensics. Also, in a very unusual ruling, the judge presiding over the case wouldn't even allow the defense team to present alternate suspects. You can stick your head in the sand and keep shouting at people to present you with plausible alternate theories but they already have. You've just made up your mind and abandoned critical thinking because that's the easier thing to do. You are showing how much of a fool you are every time you repeat yourself.
You're incorrect. It was not the seventh search. Not in the sense that they searched the property fully seven times. The first number of entries were targeted moves, such as retrieve the firearm, and retrieve the computer, etc. Why are you lying about it being the seventh search? That is demonstrably false.
Is there any proof this is a valet key? I can't imagine how you're saying this isn't a daily use key from a grainy photo. Also, is there any evidence that she had a valet key in a jar that the BF gave up?Or any evidence that any key of hers was missing that she wasn't using that day? The RAV was a POS. Maybe she only had a valet key? This girl wasn't rolling in money. She was shooting AT shots for creeps like Avery.
she would later say she lied,
I just met with my friend who is a clinical lab technician that works with blood every day.
it's like a simple fact
It is 7, b/c that is how many different times LEO entered the house to collect evidence, it's not like they were bringing over cookies.