Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He could have gotten a job closer to home. He literally got a job at the other end of Germany.

I don't see them ever giving up their owned apartment, it's just fantastic all things considered.

The wife is definitely a case herself. High pitched, creaky voice that is irritating to listen to, and there is a lot of arguing clearly audible even with some windows closed.

oh Khane, she has an education degree or something. Could easily live on her own if her first daughter wasn't "special"

quinloe, there's a good chance of her poisoning your wife against all men. You need to get her a boyfriend on the side to keep her hysterics in check.
My wife's last two boyfriends were douchebags extraordinare and they couldn't get that done.

After one of them had broken up with her (and we weren't together yet), all of us shared a holiday home for WGT and he brought his new GF along. She had no interest in goth at all and spent some of the four days crying, andshe fucking paid for the whole thingbecause despite a high income, he's always broke with an overdrawn account. And he did not give a shit.

Happily married now, btw!


Got something right about marriage
After one of them had broken up with her (and we weren't together yet), all of us shared a holiday home for WGT and he brought his new GF along. She had no interest in goth at all and spent some of the four days crying, andshe fucking paid for the whole thingbecause despite a high income, he's always broke with an overdrawn account. And he did not give a shit.
Well this sounds like an interesting story.


A Mod Real Quick


<Bronze Donator>
Well I dunno, I think it's really simple. Mom typically dotes and gives in to any whim, there's no sense of adventure or daring to cross paths with her. Dad will backhand the shit out of you for saying the wrong word but he's got cool hobbies and does stuff with wrenches and guns and shit while mom is in the bathtub reading.

'Boring' people aren't very inspiring so they don't attract attention or admiration in the same way for kids. I mean I can't think of a single set of parents from my childhood that deviated from: mom did everything mundane with you (drove you to the sledding hill, made you lunch, dropped you off at Comp USA, etc.) while the dad was a fucking secret agent or engineer or some shit and wasn't around all the time but whenever he did decide to give you the time of day it was something cool like going camping or driving a boat or building model rockets or something.

To fix that mom probably has to involve herself with the kids doing something interesting or eventful and probably be a bit more aloof in some cases.
so Red Pill your children?