Queen Bee
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I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. I said that I don't think you have looked into it at all. You have pulled an age out of the hat for when you want to have your next kid without any thought as to why except that biological desire to procreate more.
Every person I know that has had a kid over 30 are the kids that are the brats because the parents are too out of touch and too tired to care or understand what their kids are going through. There is a very good reason our bodies start popping kids out so early.
Why do you think I haven't looked into it?
I have not pulled an age of my hat, I had a really hard postpartum period with both kids. I need to get some things together in my life and be more prepared for what happens to your body when you have a baby.
You are right, though. 29yr 5mo you are a ball of energy, 31yr 3mo you're practically dead.
@Aldarion is right. While I disagree, a_skeleton_03, most people are saying do it for the money so you're not a mooch and can buy yourself a meal without relying on my parents or husband, most parenting philosophies work. Most kids turn out okay. Thanks for pointing that out.
I am socializing myself. I have about 15 bffs that I met 2 years ago in my first's breastfeeding group though our hospital. So they also all live within 15 min from me. We text all day, our kids are literally within 6mo of each other. 80% of us have a 2nd now or are pregnant with a second. It's great. You don't have to have a job to find your group. I'm accomplishing something that means something. I am fulfilled by my work and I enjoy it.
I don't consider myself a helicopter mom. I just love my kids so much, as I know you all do. Some of you show your love by setting your kids up to live an independent life. I show my love by not wanting to miss out on one second of theirs. Even though T works, I take 1000 pics and tell him everything that happened that day. No one, not even a high paid nanny, would have the enthusiasm for our kids that I have.
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