For starters I could not sleep 14 hours for one night a month even if I wanted to. Hell, if I have 6 hours uninterrupted I'm that emoji with hearts for eyes. I have two enormous responsibilities who cant even sort of take care of themselves...I cant slack on my job or one of my kids could end up dead.
Were legally bound. You do all realize that's what being married is, right? Im pretty surprised to hear that some people would consider their wife a mooch if she stayed home and took care of the kids...lets look at this logically, k? Right now, with no further schooling, I could make about $50,000/yr before taxes. What is daycare for 2 kids? $900/kid/mo? That's $21,600/yr-- can't you pay daycare pretax? So now, if I dont have to pay taxes on my daycare money I'm making $28,400/year! That means I now make $13.65/hour before someone else can watch my kids. That's below minimum wage in Seattle. We have some friends who have two working parents and their lives seem so hectic with two in daycare. They hang out with their kids for like one hour in the evening before it's time to get the kids ready for bed. And that time is spent trying to get the kids to eat their's just not for us. Plus, like I said, we're having more. If you have one kid and want to pay $72,000 just to get your kid to K and not lose your spot at your job, be my guest. This guy who thinks his wife can take one year off/kid and then waltz back into work is fucking insane.
and as far as the homeschooling goes, we're only homeschooling if the kids are in private sports. We think that elementry school is made for working parents...if the kids time can be better spent with activities than school's 4+ hours of busy work then we'll be doing that. They're not going to be at home all day and they will certainly still be socalizing. And still have time to squeeze in extra music and art lessons that will likely be all but eliminated from public schools once our kids are there. They're socalizing now...we have at least one outing with other SAHMs and kids/day and host at least one playdate/week.
If the kids have 2 left feet and/or are mongaloids, we'll send them to school and I'll volunteer.
@Aldarion dont feel bad. At least someone who truly cares about them and who they turn out to be is watching them. When we go to parks sometimes the daycare kids are acting like brats and the workers don't give a shit. If my kid is being a dick to some other kid, my kids going to be in trouble.
maybe if your wife didnt work 3 nights a week shed have the energy to let your kid grow up in a clean house? You say he's home 24/7 with one of you? In filth? Tisk tisk... And for what? So you can drive a Highlander instead of a Rav4?