Nail in the coffin tonight; I mean I am gonna maybe keep him in the friend stack but FFS...the hug thing again. I nicely asked him if it made him uncomfortable - I get that some people don't want their space entered *(heehee)...but he said no he was fine with it - so fucking hug me - I said as much and told him I was only wanting a hug for crap's sake. (Seriously I am done wanting anything else from him.) Here also is why:
We were having a conversation - just an in general - getting to know one another conversation. He does most of the talking ALL of the time; which says something because I can hold my own in the realm of talking. ANYWAY, I was describing a bit about my childhood with regard to the family parents having expectations of us as far as responsibilities in the home were concerned. The topic at hand was what chores/cooking/housekeeping/animal tending was required of us.
I said, "My mom, when she was working, expected us to clean the house every day, well, except for our bedrooms, she allowed us autonomy with regard to our rooms".
He replied, "autono what?...I said autonomy, he replies - what does that mean?" I explain it. This was one of three words or concepts that I had to explain/define/ or expand tonight. I am by no means a super-smarty like many of you are but crap....this was after a brutal day at work and I can barely think to tie my shoes. It was exhausting to have to play school teacher (and not in a naughty fun way).