Yeah, expecting special treatment is going to be a cause for dissapointment. If it was TRULY gross. Well, we have two examples of that. And, in this, you should be thankful for your ignorance.
Even mentioning the words "Shelly" or "Goblincock" are enough to illicit profound disgust.
That you get away with "the bony gravy" is fairly high praise!
As a general rule you can expect that this board is not populated with attractive people. Except Soygen. He's dreamy. And Chaos... his cock is wider than it is long. If you're into that.
Honestly I haven't a clue about his gaming chops, he is super busy but he ticks a lot of my boxes...npi...6 ft 1, wears l/xl clothes, broad shouldered, well muscled legs/hard thighs, owns two businesses (active owner/hands on), owns two homes one a lake house with boatdock for his boat, is healthy, does not smoke, is civic minded, is kind, thoughtful, funny and smart...I do not have to define words or phrases for him and he is very giving...several times over. I was in so many positions it made me dizzy.The real question,
What is this dudes gaming chops? Did he raid or was he a casual? PVP or No?
Any server firsts other what he did to your ass last night?
Honestly I haven't a clue about his gaming chops, he is super busy but he ticks a lot of my boxes...npi...6 ft 1, wears l/xl clothes, broad shouldered, well muscled legs/hard thighs, owns two businesses (active owner/hands on), owns two homes one a lake house with boatdock for his boat, is healthy, does not smoke, is civic minded, is kind, thoughtful, funny and smart...I do not have to define words or phrases for him and he is very giving...several times over. I was in so many positions it made me dizzy.
Man, I want to fuck this dude.
EDIT: I'm scared that a_skeleton_02 and I are on the same wavelength.
Can't let you get away with that without taggingPhazael even if I agree 100% with what you wrote about him.
@Vinen should take lessons from you on combining backhanded complements and humble brags. Fucking seamless!
Uh, yea, fatty as fuck. Veggies would be the non fattening option.Are pistachios fattening? I figured that would be the healthy option.
Uh, yea, fatty as fuck. Veggies would be the non fattening option.
Agreed, you have always been up front and decent towards me, kind honesty is welcomed...people who are button- pushing trolls or generally miserable who try to drag down others are pitiable and definitely unwelcome. In my eyes In your posts directed to me, you have not been placed in either category...I ask for advice and try to separate the wheat from the chaff. You typically give wheat.But bashing on a widow is not my style. In fact, I have been downright cordial and encouraging towards Ms G.... Like I said earlier about the other guy who was stringing you along, life is too short to be worried about superficial shit like that once you pass a certain age.
Agreed, you have always been up front and decent towards me, kind honesty is welcomed...people who are button- pushing trolls or generally miserable who try to drag down others are pitiable and definitely unwelcome in my eyes In your posts directed to me, you have not been placed in either category...I ask for advice and try to separate the wheat from the chaff. You typically give wheat.
I am pleased for you that you have a successful marriage...pretty good stuff in that.
I am still forming one. Enigmatic thus far.Serious question,
What is your opinion of me?