The flip side of that is women don't buy gaming computers, set up 10 disk NAS installs to download TV shows, man cave, sports cars, BBQ's, dates, drinks at the club, etc...
I'm sure women do spend more on the items you mentioned, but I'm not sure how the aggregate works out. My wife could buy a lot of clothes/shoes/accessories with how much my 911 costs.
No, they buy designer clothes, purses, and shoes that are all exorbitantly priced for what they are. Not to mention in my experience the entire Starbucks chain is 95% supported by women buying $9 cups of whip cream daily.
I dated a woman who could go to the mall and spend $4 to 5000 easily. And women go to the mall FAR more frequently than you or I buy cars or gaming computers.
You also probably purchased your Porsche because you had the money and wanted something nice, as opposed to being bored or depressed and needing some "retail therapy" like most women do.
Obviously we're dealing with generalities, and there are outliers both ways. There are men that don't know how to handle their money and there are women like your wife that are responsible.
But in general, women are complete horseshit with money.
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