A Mod Real Quick
My mom tried to kill herself 5x and blames me. I got a little idea about shitty moms
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You don’t know my mom
Minimally. Just holidays, and just for my kids. I'm not ready to explain that to a 3 year oldAnd do you still talk to her noodle? If you do you're an idiot.
No but it says quite a lot about you that you felt the need to tell her off on Christmas instead of just not texting her/ignoring her.
I realize we're expected to be nice because this is in the carebear subforum, but god damn it seems like the biggest problem with your life is the fact that it has YOU in it. My life is laughably pathetic but after reading your posts, I honestly feel a tiny bit better about it. I mean I've damn near completely checked out of life and mostly just sit around waiting to die, haven't had sex in so long that I probably wouldn't even remember what to do with a vagina, and yet I've still never been so crushed by my loneliness that I felt the need to suck some dick just for human companionship.
I suppose I’m not ready to check out of life, but I’m getting there
I'm a few (maybe very few) levels down from whereOkay. I've sat back and read your responses. Each one is "but this" or "but that" in some manner or another.
Look, I get that you're depressed. Probably have some other mental issues too. Guess what? You aren't alone in that but most of us with them aren't whiny little shits.
This is some tough love shit right here bro. Its time to slay the Dragon. Get the fuck up and stop feeling sorry for yourself. God damn this shit is fucking infuriating to read. I've dealt with bipolar. Even to the point of adding hallucinations onto it. You know what I did? I laid waste to the fucking Dragon. I got my ass up and powered through my issues. Time for you to do the fucking same.
Man, I realize. Its not going to be easy. Trust me, I realize that more than most. But the more you sit here and perpetuate this poor mindset the harder its going to be to change that mindset. You're complaining about human touch, human connection, etc... Let me tell you right now. You aren't ready. You aren't capable of providing any fucking values to anyone else. So why would they want you? Hint: They don't. So we're all aware of the problems by now, right? Lets look at some solutions. Because its solutions that count. I am assuming you are working a job you DON'T hate, with the following advice:
1) Sweat. Do something physically challenging. This isn't to look better. This isn't to attract anyone. Its to build your body.
2) Think. Do something intellectually challenging. This isn't to attract anyone. Its to build your mind.
3) Care for something, that can't love you back. I suggest a plant, then a fish. You need to learn what its like to provide value and get nothing in return. This is an important step toward humility.
4) Care for something, that CAN love you back. I suggest something along the lines of a dog/cat. This is once you have steps 1-3 down to a fine fucking art.
5) Build a solid network of friends. Don't stress sex. Its not important right now. You aren't ready for that emotional fucking rollercoaster we all call relationships.
Throughout all of this, you need be writing shit down daily. How do you feel? What did you learn today? What did you accomplish today? Anything, big or small, is worth noting. Don't go back and read what you wrote. Its not time for that shit yet. Just jot that shit down with the date. You also need to be building a strong, daily routine; I cannot stress this enough. You aren't mentally healthy right now. I don't give a fuck if its a "funk" or something that would call for a formal diagnosis. You aren't mentally healthy. And a routine will go a LONG way toward helping you feel familiarity with the world. You also need to not use any kind of mind-altering substances. No alcohol, no weed, no pills that you don't have a legal prescription for, etc. This is your time to work on you. Yes, it will take a LONG ASS TIME. Yes, it will be HARD AS FUCK. But motherfucker, dragon slaying ain't easy.
Now, when you can sit back and look around and say that you are happy with life as it sits? THAT is when you can read what you wrote down. THAT is when you can begin looking for romantic companionship.
If throughout this process, you feel you need professional help. There is ZERO shame in seeing a mental health professional. Therapist, Psychiatrist, etc. ZERO shame. You do you and get you healthy.
Nozz do you have dogs? If no, give one a try. They are awesome.
Yeah definitely file an illegitimate claimTell them it's a service animal. That shit's protected by ADA.
May as well bring it up again, because the holiday season always fucks with me
Find myself depressed a lot because i have no one in my life and increasingly feel isolated from my family.
Went to a therapist even several months back but that didn't really help.
Doesn't seem to matter how i look physically, dress, do my hair, etc: women simply are not interested in me and I feel like some sort of leper outcast that no one wants to be around.
I've engaged in homosexual activity from time to time, because I just want to feel like SOMEONE is interested in me.
Haven't been in a relationship since 2011, haven't had someone say "I love you" since 2007. This shit is really wearing me down and eating away at my soul. I know it's made me far more of a bitter person than I wanted to be.
I engage in self harm at times because I feel my life has no meaning or value anymore. Too afraid to kill myslef.
just start with a plant.