Like I said, I wanted kids, so I had them and I enjoy having them. But if you're selfish, you could possibly make a shitty parent. I'd rather someone not reproduce than reproduce and add more shitheads to the population. Sorry if that's promoting white genocide.
I think we're vastly overestimating the impact of parenting, I'm not saying it's completely irrevelant, but a large part of the outcome is genetic in the end. When I was 5, I was basicaly sleeping and eating at my house and that was pretty much it, I was either at school, or out with friends. And it was obviously the same for all the kids back then. If some parents let their kids do that nowadays, someone would call the cops on them, at least in a comparable neighborhood as I was living when I was a kid. So what I'm seeing around me, is friends and colleagues around me make it so that there is always adults with their kids, and very often, themselves. Kid want to play soccer ? Gotta drive him to the soccer club. When I was a kid, if I wanted to play soccer, I'd just go out, ring some bells in my street and we'd fucking play soccer, there would be no need to have a fucking weekly schedule for it, nor my parents getting involved in any way with it.
My point is that, we've put an insane social pressure on middle-class parents, regarding parenting, which is godamn exhausting because parents are micro-managing the whole life of their kid 0-16 or even 0-25 for some... And it is obvious it is at least not needed (we're doing fine, overall, aren't we ?) and probably even harmful to kids ( it leads to a lack of responsibility ). In the end we're not only uselessly, but dangerously, over the shoulders of our kids 24/7. This is my rant for the "can't do shit once you've got kids", kids want a significant amount of time free of their parents just as much as parents want time for themselves, it should be easy, but it's not nowadays.
The second issue is money, for lower class, having kids in a western society improve their financial situation, for the upper class, the cost is negligible. Comes us, the middle-class, the way the middle-class as been hammered the last 40 years, and social benefit removed from them, means that only the middle-class really feel financial pain for raising kids. Which is again something pants on the head stupid for our countries.
It's probably the biggest attack on the western middle-class, more than the elephant curve, it's the pressure to not reproduce. It's not because a middle-class kid is not born that a lower-class kid will be able to take his place, it doesn't work like this. It's a real shame that the post WWII middle-class is on the brink of extinction, because it was one of the most significant social advance, ever. Having a large part of the population living in a confort close to the upper-class.
It's probably one thing that Trump is still missing over Putin, getting his constituents to reproduce, again.