You just said Pro domination, which implies they are paid for their services. Their services involve enacting a sexual fetish on people who presumably pay money for this. They are prostitutes, they are just providing a niche service similar to the escort/girlfriend experience version of prostitutes. I was going to say the only real difference between you and J53's preferred working girls was the drugs involved, but considering you admitted to snorkeling nose candy off of tubesteak to score a discount the line is even thinner than that. Are their people who are into this degenerate shit that do it without the transaction of money? Sure, but anyone calling themselves a "Proffessional Dom" is getting paid money to whack dudes in the nutsack or otherwise degrade them. Having had prior acquaintances from San Fran, I am well aware of how this "community" operates.
And just to twist this knife a little more, there are not furries who get paid to suit up and fuck in dog suits out there. So the Pro-dom line of work is actually lower on the degenerate scale than fucking furries are when all is said and done. This is why you are getting dogpiled. If you want to use this thread for its intended purpose, get your shit together, regain some self respect, and try dating a normal girl who is: A) Not on drugs, B) Not into humillation, and C) Has normal fucking hobbies. You may actually turn your life around.
Oh, who am I kidding, you are basically Patrick Bateman's cucked out younger brother.