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I can't even fathom what she was hoping would happen. This would blow up your marriage, and then she'd finally get to be with you? Like what was the thought process?TJT's dose of Crazy 2021:
Girl at work I met when I went to the office 1 time this year in late July. She was new and I said hello. Typical office meet and greet and I thought nothing of it (I guess she'd be a 6 or 6.5 out of 10 if I had to rate her). 32 year old single woman and a "dog mom" as is so common in Austin and libshit areas.
Starting in August she would message me on slack and asked for help with something that required Zoom call a few times. I realized she didn't actually need my help and stopped bothering. Messaged me about trivial things a lot and I would just shrug along and not really say anything a lot. In September she found my personal phone number from the company employee log. She was a recruiter btw. Texts my personal phone. I tell her she probably shouldn't have done that but proceeds to text me about stupid shit a lot. TV, Longhorns football, blah blah.
Most of her texts I just never answered. She would occasionally get slightly flirty and I would just say, "whatever" or not answer. My fault for not just saying outright no I get it but she knew I was married and had a kid and everything. I did answer her on slack usually where she was wise enough to not be flirty. My work profile says I am from the Oregon coast and she, on slack, asked me a bunch of shit about Oregon. I answered thinking nothing of it and she tells me she found a new job in Salem, Oregon of all places. I said I am happy for her and I hope she enjoys the state as it is a pretty good outdoors state. She asks me if I would ever visit her in Salem (obviously not as I don't want to in addition to being a near 4 hours of driving away from my hometown). I told her "lol maybe some day I haven't been to Salem in 20 years." Looking back on this I probably should have been more firm and direct. I had thought my 2 months of vagueness, non-responsiveness, and keeping it to small talk at work would have been hint enough. Oh, how wrong I was.
Week of Thanksgiving she asks, on slack, what I am doing. I say my mom is coming to visit me and the fam and we're going to go to a Thanksgiving party. I'm making brisket. Same thing I told my own team. Then she asks if she could meet my mom (finally my WTF bells go off). I tell her no, why would you ever meet my mom? Proceeds to call me 15 times straight and text me a bunch of shit. I didn't read any of it. Put my phone on airplane mode and blocked her number.
She immediately contacts my wife on Facebook, as well as my sisters, my mom, and every single person she can figure out that I know. As I am not on Facebook. Telling them how I promised her I'd move to Salem and have kids with her and sends them tons of screenshots of the texts and slack messages she sent me (that were all about trivial shit). She specifically sent the maybe I'd visit her in Salem one as some kind of gotcha. Sent this to two of my friends I mentioned by first name only as well. They contacted me later that night asking what was up as some random person contacted them on LinkedIn and Facebook both. Kind of impressive as I never told her any last names. Or any of my family members' names at all. She just knew my hometown and last name and a few first names.
But she didn't stop there. I had at some point mentioned the church we go to and she contacts the Father. Who then contacts me thinking I must atone for infidelity and asks if my wife knows. Just what I needed. I tell him I didn't feel like talking about it with him so he sends everything that she sent to him to my wife and he calls her too. I tell my wife and my mom what was up and we they eventually laughed after I showed them the slack log and the texts she sent me.
She at least never knew where I lived or how to figure out where I lived and show up there. Thank god. Or had some amount of sanity to realize that would be a bad move. Her last day is this week so I hope she quiets up and leaves me alone. My sister told me to get a restraining order.
On the other hand this confirms she was 100% guaranteed to have been an absolute whore in the sack. So that's a nice thought. Oh if I was 5 or so years younger!
If she's a 6.5/10, even as middling as that is, you would think she'd have guys chasing her. Why would she want to chase random married guys at work? (No offense).
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