Also, stop acting like a little bitch over what was originally a simple ribbing./QUOTE]
Take it in spirit it was given
And LoL @ Minneapolis being a "white" area.
You might as well have said in the ol' cracker fashion "nut ugh we got blacks too". Spend sometime living in east B-more or travel to your closest real City the South Side of Chi-town or head to the ATL then reread that quote or shit just ask Kevin Garnett or StarBury.
I'll leave it at that as obviously I am ill equipped to engage you in a Forum Flame WAR just by checking post count shows how lopsided that battle would be.
None the less you bring up valid points about both sides of the issue it hard to detect patterns of behavior when you only know one side of the problem. Hence the sound advice of if its bothering you address it. If your not willing to address it then that's your fault.