I was just providing the amounts for context, is all. I have a head for numbers, so it's not like I have to really think hard to remember what I paid for her car or how much her CC was to pay off. Plus I use Quicken to track all of my personal finances, so that kind of reinforces shit when I'm categorizing transfers to her as "loan to friend" or whatever. I could literally print a report on that shit right now and it would be accurate. As far as the amount of the post spent discussing the money, that really was the main part of the conversation between the two of us, and I think it's where a lot of the issues stem from. And like I said, she did specifically say that she really appreciated the fact that I've never made her feel uncomfortable about the money or brought it up in a negative way. If she's feeling extremely uncomfortable about the money thing, it's 99% on her.
The aspect that I'd like some discussion on, if you gents would be so kind to indulge, would be the "expectations" thing. I still can't really wrap my mind around it. What do you "expect" from your girlfriends or wives. I mean with Khane it's obvious, that would be anal. But what else? Or is this some sort of woman code for other shit?