We all knew this was coming, sooner or later. Massive wall of text, ho!
Not sure if this post should go here or in the GWBYHT. This one's easier to locate. But it would appear that things with the special lady friend are rapidly coming to an end. I think anyways. She's been very noticeably moody, grumpy, sullen, whatever over the past few months. I had noticed it back in the spring and early summer, but then it seemed to get better for awhile. Then she moved down to Calgary for her 7 weeks of practicum in July/August. We saw each other a few times during that time, and all seemed well, although I could tell she was not pleased that I didn't go out of my way more to go and see her. We took a nice 4 day trip to Portland in August right after she got back, and things again seemed good, but then over the past 6-7 weeks it's deteriorated again.
She just doesn't seem happy, and I'm getting sick of walking on egg shells around her. We're coming up on being together 3 years at the end of the month, and in all honesty I was starting to think it was time to pop the question. But on the other hand, she's never really brought it up much and doesn't seem to be in any hurry to get hitched, as she's still got another year and a half of school. Given her negative comments about how much of a pain in the ass a wedding is (her best friend got married in the spring and it was not a pleasant experience for my girlfriend being in the bridal party, she gets stressed out with that kind of shit), I can't see the present issues having anything to do with us not being engaged or married.
Finally last week while making dinner I asked her what was wrong or going on. Was it work? School? Family? Shit between us? She said she'd need a couple hours to gather her thoughts and we'd talk later that evening. When it came time to talking, a rough summary of her concerns were as follows:
1) I don't get mad at her enough
2) I pay for too much stuff (even though admittedly she can't afford to pay any more for day to day expenses)
3) Subsequent to the above two, she feels that I don't consider her an equal partner in our relationship and I don't take her seriously
4) I don't have enough "expectations" for her, which is related to 1)
I was kind of a deer in the headlights when she outlined her concerns. I felt like I was taking crazy pills. 3 and 4 more or less stem from 1 and 2, and in my opinion are her problems and not mine.
I don't get mad at her because she basically never gives me a reason to. She's a pretty spectacular girlfriend in almost every respect, and overall a wonderful human being. Sometimes I get impatient, annoyed or a bit frustrated but I just push that aside and try to deal with whatever is bothering me in a reasonable manner. And somehow that's a problem? She seems to think it is, and said it's not "normal" that we don't ever fight. We literally haven't had what I would consider a fight. There's been arguments where one or the other person was a bit pissed, but nothing where one of us storms out or yells at the other person. The only time I've ever raised my voice at her was when I was concentrating on doing something on a kitchen counter, she reached around me to open a cupboard to grab something, left it open, and I smashed my bare head on the corner of the door so hard I was bleeding. Naturally I was like "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE THAT OPEN DIRECTLY OVER MY HEAD" but calmed down immediately once the pain had passed and apologized for yelling at her.
As far as the money issue goes, since we've been together she's mostly worked part time jobs while doing school. Between car payments, insurance, school tuition, books and other day to day things she can't afford to pay me rent, or share utilities. When she moved in the deal was going to be that she'd pay for groceries. That lasted approximately a month before she was flat broke. When her car got stolen two years ago, she ended up buying another car that was well outside what she can afford from the insurance settlement, so I stepped up and chipped in about half of the cost (about 7k). And then a year to 18 months ago when she was upset, it came out that she had maxed her credit cards and needed further help, so I got a secondary Visa, told her she could use that for whatever she felt necessary and also cut her a check to clear off her CC balance (about 6k). She's since gone back in the hole a few thousand. And trust me, she doesn't have a spending problem. She spends next to nothing on shit like clothes and the like, she's actually pretty frugal. The only exception to that is she spends too fucking much money on high end groceries at the farmer's market and bakery down the street (the bread is delicious, but $8 for a loaf that can maybe make half a dozen sandwiches?), but that's all going on my CC anyways and I don't particularly mind as she's a good cook. I've never sat down with her and looked at her budget, but I'm fairly confident that she's not doing anything stupid with her money. In any case, she's in to me for somewhere around 12-15k.
The thing is, I don't give a shit. That money is basically inconsequential to me. And I have never once said anything negative to her about it, or made her feel guilty about it. She said as much when we talked last week, that I've been great about it and she really appreciates the help. But that it makes her feel like she's totally dependent on me and that the relationship's balance is totally skewed because of the finances. She also said she didn't like not knowing what our financial situation even was, what we could afford, what kind of security we had, and so on. I explained that as far as I was concerned, what's mine is hers and we're a team, so I didn't really care that she didn't make much money or needed my help financially. That she does so many things for me that make my life better that it was more than a fair trade. I told her that she was welcome to know anything about my finances she wanted to know, that the only reason we'd never discussed it was that she'd never really expressed an interest or concern previously, and when our relationship started I was warned by a mutual friend not to throw money around as she isn't impressed by that kind of thing. So while I didn't avoid the subject, I never brought it up as she seemed content not knowing. I asked her what she wanted to know about my finances. She didn't really give an answer. So I gave her a general rundown of my present finances (I'M RICH BITCH) and roughly where I thought things were going. That didn't really seem to register in either direction, as far as I could tell.
She had started the entire conversation by saying "I need to pay you back for my car" before we went on to the deeper issues, and we circled back to that. I told her that if she wanted to start paying me back a few hundred dollars a month now that she had gotten a new position and should be making more money, that would be fine by me, but that I felt it better to pay down her CC first. She said she'd been thinking of getting another job to facilitate paying me back. I told her that if that's what she wanted to do, it was up to her, but that I felt it would be a mistake because she'd basically end up doing nothing but working or school and our relationship would further suffer. We left that open for the time being, but she did give me $900 a few days later to pay me back for some books and other stuff she'd put on my CC recently.
Also as part of that conversation when talking about incomes, she said that because I make/have a fair amount of money, her job is always going to "not matter." I told her that's crazy, that she didn't take her chosen career path (child and education psychology) because it was going to pay well or make her rich, and that if we do stay together for the long run our finances would allow her to choose the most fulfilling job she could find. She said that made her feel like her career was a joke or irrelevant. I told her that's absolutely not true, that if anything her career will be a lot more meaningful than mine, which mostly consists of slapping in plumbing in cookie cutter, suburban, shithole condo/apartment projects (with the occasional shiny, glass tower). That's honestly how I feel, I derive little satisfaction from my work/business other than the money, for better or worse. Again, that didn't really seem to make any difference to her.
We moved on to what seemed to be her main concern: that I say all the right things, and do all the right things, but that she doesn't feel like I truly take her seriously, don't consider her an equal partner, and don't have any expectations for her. The expectations thing kind of threw me, and I asked what she meant. She said that it felt like she didn't need to do anything to make me happy with her or our relationship, and asked what expectations I had for her. In all honesty, I was pretty stumped by that question, and still largely am. I told her I expect her to keep doing the things she's been doing around the house and to keep doing well at her education and establish herself in her career. She got frustrated and told me that those things aren't "real expectations". I said that I'd like to do more things together like going on trips, going to the mountains to ski/hike/camp/whatever, but that she basically refuses to do any of that stuff because she's too busy with work and school most of the time. The conservation moved on from there, but like I said, I'm still kind of stumped on that. I don't have any grand expectations of her, other than being happy being with me, wherever that takes us. I dunno, I'm not a "deep" kind of guy, that shit just isn't something I think about.
The topic of kids also came up when we were talking about where things are going long term. She's not eager to have kids right away and may never want them, but she was concerned that if she did decide to have them that I'd not want them, or not be involved enough, or consider them an inconvenience getting in the way of my life. I told her that from my perspective, I'm not particularly interested in having kids at this point, but that could well change down the road, and that if we were together and she wanted kids I'd be 100% invested in it. I couldn't really gauge what she thought of this.
I'm probably forgetting or omitting some shit, but this is getting pretty long and that's the majority of it. We ended the conversation saying that we were both going to give things some thought, but didn't really give a concrete time frame for when we'd revisit any of it. During the conversation I asked her several times if there was anything I could be doing differently and never really got any concrete answer, mostly she went back to the "expectation" thing along with how we weren't equal.
From my perspective, I feel like most or all of this shit resides with her. I'm happy with our relationship, and I'm happy with her. Like I said at the start, she's an awesome woman in virtually every respect. I could absolutely spend the rest of my life with her, but only if she's going to be happy with that. At this point it feels like for whatever reason her feelings for me are dissipating and instead of admitting that to herself she's making up excuses or reasons as to why our relationship isn't working. Also, she's the kind of person who feels a lot of guilt about things, for whatever reason. I'd relate a few anecdotes, but this post is long enough. And I think she's feeling a lot of guilt about needing financial help from me. That coupled with her lessening feelings for me is not helping things.
From my perspective, I'll be pretty upset if we break up, but on the other hand things just haven't been the same the past 6 months. It sucks that I've invested 3 years of my life in this relationship, and quite honestly this might well be my last stab at a relationship that leads to marriage, but if she's just going to be miserable then it's time to tear the band-aid off. I just have a feeling that she isn't going to end it herself, I don't think she has it in her. She'll just keep shutting me out more and more until I end it, and then when I do in her mind it'll validate her thinking that I never truly considered her an equal in the relationship or some shit.
Wut do?