Marriage and the Power of Divorce


The Scientific Shitlord
In case this was serious advice -- no, always hit the deer. It may "total" your car depending on insurance details but it wont hurt you. Swerving to avoid the deer stands a very real chance of ending one or more human lives.

Source: I've hit several deer over the years.

Sorry, I'm used to driving small cars that are usually lower to the ground. If you are driving an SUV or truck, then definitely plow the deer over. If the torso is at level or above the bottom of your windshield, you definitely do not want to hit it head on. It will be sliding up your car and into/through the windshield.


<Bronze Donator>
living in rural michigan, i've hit several deer, and after hitting one back when i was a teenager going 100mph where the only damage was a busted turn signal, i have a theory that going faster is actually safer.

but i don't feel brave enough to test it.


Got something right about marriage
Dirk's point was that a deer typically isn't strong enough to kick through an otherwise intact windshield when trying to flee after being hit. A moose easily can, and often times does, as it's trying to flee after being hit. Killing the driver in the process.


Got something right about marriage
living in rural michigan, i've hit several deer, and after hitting one back when i was a teenager going 100mph where the only damage was a busted turn signal, i have a theory that going faster is actually safer.

but i don't feel brave enough to test it.

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A Mod Real Quick
When you know you will in fact hit a deer you're supposed to brake and release before impact. It'll lower your front end and scoop it up like that


Saor Alba
I do I shit ton of driving around Scotland for work and pleasure and I've had a couple of nasty run ins with deer on some of the shitty rural roads in this country.

A couple of years ago I was driving through Aberdeenshire at night and was overtaking a large lorry. As I was pulling back in two deer shot out in front of me - I couldn't brake as the massive lorry was only 15 foot behind me so I tried to swerve. Missed hitting the first one head on by a ball hair and the little cunts both slammed into the side of the van - one smashed into the passenger door and the second into the back section of the van. I'll never forget that noise. I didn't see what happened to the dear afterwards but it's a safe bet the lorry behind me made short work of them. I pulled over about a mile down to check out the damage and you should've seen the mess they made of the side of my van. The lorry just shot straight past me so I guess he was untroubled haha.

Last year I was going camping with pals and we were driving to the far north at night so we could drop some acid and watch the sunrise. We decided to take this shitty little road that cuts across Caithness my step dad told me about to shave some time off. The whole 30 mile stretch was spent weaving around literally dozens of deer and stags just ambling about the road giving no fucks. We had to crawl up this road, sometimes the only warning was their devil eyes reflecting the headlights. Didn't save us a jot of time in the end.

While I didn't hit this one personally I was driving through the cairngorms on the main road south - saw the bottom half of a deer on the side of the road, entrails out the lot, saw the other half about half a mile down the road, just lying in the middle. That poor fucker clearly got hit at pace by a 15 tonner.

Fucking pests.


Saor Alba
So I was thinking, how compatible is monogamy and committed relationships in general with the advent of cellphones and social media?

Basically the way I see it is they have removed any and all barriers when it comes to cheating or acting inappropriately in monogamous relationship. With a cell phone you have your own little world that is locked away from your partner and you can basically do whatever you want(basically ring of gyges idea) without your partner ever knowing unless you are an idiot. That combined with the idea its taboo to go through your partners phone, social media etc. makes cheating as simple as a swipe on your phone with no risk.

Contrast this to 20-30 years ago, internet and cell phones wherent a thing. If you lived with your partner there was a massive risk to giving out your house phone #, as your partner would be very likely to answer it. You couldnt keep track of a partner, there was no texting them asking how long til they are home so they could show up at any time. With no email or cellphones you didnt have any secret for your eyes only way to communicate with a potential side piece. A random unknown number consistently comes up on your caller id your partner is going to be asking questions etc.

Am I just jaded from my ex being a piece of shit in this regard or does anyone else think about this? For example, I browse creepypms and cringepics subs on reddit and at least half the content submitted to it is of some idiot guy propositioning on a woman already in a relationship usually a cringe worthy way. The thing is though, it kinda seems like these women entertain this attention. Instead of just outright telling the guy off and blocking them on whatever platform, they get into arguments and go back and forth with them. Heres a great example;

If say this girl was your partner, would you find it troubling or shitty that she had no problem engaging the guy even though he was pathetically hitting on her? And continued to talk to him even after he called her a whore for saying she has a bf? For me personally, it is unsettling to have a partner who would not immediately shut that down. Or is that thinking out of line?

Cheaters are gonna cheat man. The internet sure as hell makes things easier - the ex I was posting about the other month used fb to talk to the dude she cheated on me with. She was always talking to randoms on fb (she would retardedly accept almost every friend request that came her way) but I just left her til it as I trusted her. Ultimately if it's in a person they'll do it whether they meet someone in a bar or wherever else - the internet just means there's easier opportunities.

You still sound bitter pal - been out and slept with any other women to yet? I thought I was going to be a bitter fuck forever but a couple of rides over Christmas sorted my perspective right out.
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Trakanon Raider
I do I shit ton of driving around Scotland for work and pleasure and I've had a couple of nasty run ins with deer on some of the shitty rural roads in this country.

A couple of years ago I was driving through Aberdeenshire at night and was overtaking a large lorry. As I was pulling back in two deer shot out in front of me - I couldn't brake as the massive lorry was only 15 foot behind me so I tried to swerve. Missed hitting the first one head on by a ball hair and the little cunts both slammed into the side of the van - one smashed into the passenger door and the second into the back section of the van. I'll never forget that noise. I didn't see what happened to the dear afterwards but it's a safe bet the lorry behind me made short work of them. I pulled over about a mile down to check out the damage and you should've seen the mess they made of the side of my van. The lorry just shot straight past me so I guess he was untroubled haha.

Last year I was going camping with pals and we were driving to the far north at night so we could drop some acid and watch the sunrise. We decided to take this shitty little road that cuts across Caithness my step dad told me about to shave some time off. The whole 30 mile stretch was spent weaving around literally dozens of deer and stags just ambling about the road giving no fucks. We had to crawl up this road, sometimes the only warning was their devil eyes reflecting the headlights. Didn't save us a jot of time in the end.

While I didn't hit this one personally I was driving through the cairngorms on the main road south - saw the bottom half of a deer on the side of the road, entrails out the lot, saw the other half about half a mile down the road, just lying in the middle. That poor fucker clearly got hit at pace by a 15 tonner.

Fucking pests.

I fucking love reading your posts.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Cheaters are gonna cheat man. The internet sure as hell makes things easier - the ex I was posting about the other month used fb to talk to the dude she cheated on me with. She was always talking to randoms on fb (she would retardedly accept almost every friend request that came her way) but I just left her til it as I trusted her. Ultimately if it's in a person they'll do it whether they meet someone in a bar or wherever else - the internet just means there's easier opportunities.

You still sound bitter pal - been out and slept with any other women to yet? I thought I was going to be a bitter fuck forever but a couple of rides over Christmas sorted my perspective right out.
Ive been on a date, talked to a few women but no sex. Pretty sure I could have been laid by now if I really wanted to but just havent cared to put in the effort to bang some random chick. Rather beat off in peace in front of my computer.
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I have friends who, many years ago packed up the family for some camping, pulling a pop-up behind an early minivan. They got just outside of Thunder Bay (way the bloody heck out in the middle of no where in Ontario, north of Lake Superior), and they hit a moose. Totaled the van. Their insurance came through very quickly, they spent a night in Thunder Bay in a cheapy hotel, and had a new van the next morning. The guy at the car lot said "You're lucky, I only have two of these left, and you're getting one!"

So, the family continue the vacation, get just outside of Thunder Bay, and they hit a moose. Not kidding.

They spent another night in Thunder Bay, got the last van on the lot, and went home.
  • 3Worf
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Mrs. Gravy

Quite Saucy
I have friends who, many years ago packed up the family for some camping, pulling a pop-up behind an early minivan. They got just outside of Thunder Bay (way the bloody heck out in the middle of no where in Ontario, north of Lake Superior), and they hit a moose. Totaled the van. Their insurance came through very quickly, they spent a night in Thunder Bay in a cheapy hotel, and had a new van the next morning. The guy at the car lot said "You're lucky, I only have two of these left, and you're getting one!"

So, the family continue the vacation, get just outside of Thunder Bay, and they hit a moose. Not kidding.

They spent another night in Thunder Bay, got the last van on the lot, and went home.
btw...I have been to Thunder Bay, as a child. I am going to try and find pictures of that trip! :)

So, in case you were wondering, it is now January 12. G died this day two years ago. Honestly I don't remember much of year one...I remember everything of January 12, 2016.

I am wearing my wedding ring tonight in honor of love and the power of marriage.
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Still a Music Elitist
Make him see a doctor, please. My mom's bf when she was a teenager died after a motorcycle accident and he appeared fine, but he died due to head trauma that didn't get diagnosed.

Same happened to my brother-in-law. Was in a motorcycle accident and died of an aneurysm months later after seeming fine. Basically fuck motorcycles. It was a fucking travesty in our family. We loved him. Left two kids behind with my sister.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Same happened to my brother-in-law. Was in a motorcycle accident and died of an aneurysm months later after seeming fine. Basically fuck motorcycles. It was a fucking travesty in our family. We loved him. Left two kids behind with my sister.

Definitely fuck motorcycles. We lost a friend out here outside of a club while sitting at a redlight. Bike didn't even go anywhere just wheelied on the stop line while sitting at the red when it turned green. Bike didn't move an inch so he wasn't even trying to flex, he just wristed it a little too deep while sitting 90 degrees upright. Instant kill.
  • 1Picard
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Saor Alba
Ive been on a date, talked to a few women but no sex. Pretty sure I could have been laid by now if I really wanted to but just havent cared to put in the effort to bang some random chick. Rather beat off in peace in front of my computer.

Fair enough pal, I know how that feels well enough. The opportunity will land in your lap (literally) when you're least expecting it and you'll feel a ton better.

Also fuck motorbikes, they terrify me. The very idea of tearing about on an engine with a wheel attached to either side just seems mental.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ive been on a date, talked to a few women but no sex. Pretty sure I could have been laid by now if I really wanted to but just havent cared to put in the effort to bang some random chick. Rather beat off in peace in front of my computer.

I'm possibly oversharing here but fuck it. I'm currently giving /noporn a try, so no more daily porn and jerk off session. Never thought it would have as much effect as it did, I have way more energy and I'm more relaxed when talking to random people (especially pretty women).
The thinking is that the constant dopamine hits you get from porn is overstimulating your brain causing you to be less energetic and lacking the drive to seek out real women. Never had any trouble myself but some younger guys apparently watch so much porn that they can't even get it up with a real woman anymore.

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