Marriage and the Power of Divorce


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
So I don’t know if this is the thread for this but it falls under relationship advice in my opinion. So I am 38 out of shape middle aged white dude and I started seeing and fucking this hot 23 year old with a 1 year old kid. I don’t know if we have anything in common other than I like fucking her, my warning bells tell me something is wrong with this situation but I am enjoying it. Also part of me feels a little creepo pervert due to the age difference.

Someone Dr. Phil my ass so I am ok with this and continue to plow like Danny Devito would do.
absolutely keep crushing that and 6 months from now, when you can't stand her, because that will most likely happen, revel in the fact that you were banging a 23 year old for the foreseeable future.
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Saor Alba
So I don’t know if this is the thread for this but it falls under relationship advice in my opinion. So I am 38 out of shape middle aged white dude and I started seeing and fucking this hot 23 year old with a 1 year old kid. I don’t know if we have anything in common other than I like fucking her, my warning bells tell me something is wrong with this situation but I am enjoying it. Also part of me feels a little creepo pervert due to the age difference.

Someone Dr. Phil my ass so I am ok with this and continue to plow like Danny Devito would do.

Good on ya pal, enjoy it while the goings good and don't knock her up. Who knows if she's got an ulterior motive or not but take it as it comes and get out if things start heading in a direction you don't like - don't stick around just because she's hot, I've made that mistake.

How did you meet?


<Bronze Donator>
Good on ya pal, enjoy it while the goings good and don't knock her up. Who knows if she's got an ulterior motive or not but take it as it comes and get out if things start heading in a direction you don't like - don't stick around just because she's hot, I've made that mistake.

How did you meet?
They're both passionate about flavortown memes.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Good on ya pal, enjoy it while the goings good and don't knock her up. Who knows if she's got an ulterior motive or not but take it as it comes and get out if things start heading in a direction you don't like - don't stick around just because she's hot, I've made that mistake.

How did you meet?

I was messing around on okcupid, I had pretty much lost hope since there seems to be nothing but fat bitches on there, I know I could lose some weight myself but at least I am not monster fat like 90% of the ham planets on that shit. Anyways I met this one and really I can’t think of why she would be interested other than I am stable and have a career and not some bum shitbag. She seems to be level headed enough but the ex disappeared and has nothing to do with her or the kid so I don’t know, she is fit as she and the pussy is like magic, it’s weird I was man whoring it up in Mexico the last couple of weeks trying to get back into the game after being out for longer than I care to admit but hooking up with this chick is something else.
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All labs matter!
I was messing around on okcupid, I had pretty much lost hope since there seems to be nothing but fat bitches on there, I know I could lose some weight myself but at least I am not monster fat like 90% of the ham planets on that shit. Anyways I met this one and really I can’t think of why she would be interested other than I am stable and have a career and not some bum shitbag. She seems to be level headed enough but the ex disappeared and has nothing to do with her or the kid so I don’t know, she is fit as she and the pussy is like magic, it’s weird I was man whoring it up in Mexico the last couple of weeks trying to get back into the game after being out for longer than I care to admit but hooking up with this chick is something else.

Do not get her pregnant.

Good for you though. Enjoy that shit!


<Bronze Donator>
I was messing around on okcupid, I had pretty much lost hope since there seems to be nothing but fat bitches on there, I know I could lose some weight myself but at least I am not monster fat like 90% of the ham planets on that shit. Anyways I met this one and really I can’t think of why she would be interested other than I am stable and have a career and not some bum shitbag. She seems to be level headed enough but the ex disappeared and has nothing to do with her or the kid so I don’t know, she is fit as she and the pussy is like magic, it’s weird I was man whoring it up in Mexico the last couple of weeks trying to get back into the game after being out for longer than I care to admit but hooking up with this chick is something else.

2 months from now Booze is going to post his confession that the pussy belongs to a blue hair and he is a registered Democrat.
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Trakanon Raider
So I don’t know if this is the thread for this but it falls under relationship advice in my opinion. So I am 38 out of shape middle aged white dude and I started seeing and fucking this hot 23 year old with a 1 year old kid. I don’t know if we have anything in common other than I like fucking her, my warning bells tell me something is wrong with this situation but I am enjoying it. Also part of me feels a little creepo pervert due to the age difference.

Someone Dr. Phil my ass so I am ok with this and continue to plow like Danny Devito would do.

I think things can only get better if you get her pregnant. You need to be raw dogging that girl. Play a little game of just the tip.

Also you need to share the story of how an out of shape 38 year old landed a hottie 23 year old. There's got to be some details in there.

Just remember though, life only gets better with an unexpected pregnancy.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Stop feeling guilty about it.

Women are at their peak 18-29.

Men own the next 3 decades. Fucking enjoy it. It is absolutely obscene how just living your life the way you were taught to do makes you a fucking superhero to women. You're reaping the rewards of getting out of your parent's house and building a life for yourself. Women want to hitch their wagon to that. Just don't be dumb and knock them up or marry them and you can rotate thru them at your pleasure.

I was having a conversation with one of the women in the office at work where I said something about dating a new gal, and she said "oh yeah, what's this one's name, Miss November?" and I cracked the fuck up because it's not far off from how quickly they're coming along. Life is good, man.
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Toilet of the Mod Elect
Stop feeling guilty about it.

Women are at their peak 18-29.

Men own the next 3 decades. Fucking enjoy it. It is absolutely obscene how just living your life the way you were taught to do makes you a fucking superhero to women. You're reaping the rewards of getting out of your parent's house and building a life for yourself. Women want to hitch their wagon to that. Just don't be dumb and knock them up or marry them and you can rotate thru them at your pleasure.

I was having a conversation with one of the women in the office at work where I said something about dating a new gal, and she said "oh yeah, what's this one's name, Miss November?" and I cracked the fuck up because it's not far off from how quickly they're coming along. Life is good, man.

Tell her you have a weekend in December open.


Vyemm Raider
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>

I hate being married. I either married the wrong person, or im an asshole, or i dont know what is going on, or all the above, but im getting close to mt wits end.
We have a 4 yr and a dog.

My wife completed recently the nursing practitioner track for pediatrics in florida, recently I mean in august. This program took 2 years to complete and gives and MBA in nursing and an license as a nursing practitioner.

She passed all her boards, so she can work as a nurse, or as a nurse practitionier in all of florida.
Last time she had a job before that was 9 years ago, before she decided to go abroad to study medicine.
That path didn't worked out. You can say that for her entire life (36 close to 37 yo) she has worked for less than 2 years in total.
The rest of the time has been studing. Medical rorations.
After graduating in august she got a job teaching nursing that is 4 hours a day, for 1 month september, now next cycle starts in december, in 4 days. So basically 1 month on, 1 off, part time when on.
It pays well honestly (30 hr), but it consumes some more time because she has to get the classes ready.

I am the main breadwinner I work from 8:30 to 6 pm in place 45-60 minutes away. Which means wake up at 6:45, walk the dog, get ready,
leave at 7:30 AM and come back home at 7 PM. If I go to the gym then im home at 8:30.
After I get home I walk the dog again, interact with the baby, put the baby to sleep, eat, shower, clean whatever is dirty on the kitchen(often coffee mugs from her and baby food preparation leftovers and other assorted things) and take out the trash, everyday.
I play EQ I do it around 9sh at night when all the chores are done, 1 to 1.5 hours, then its bed time by 11 PM. rinse and repeat the next day.

She handles the girl in the morning, takes her to school and is done with that by 8:30 AM. picks up the girl at 5 pm, somedays there are other things to do in the afternoon, but that is only 2 days a week, but not today.
Today she went to they gym in the morning and the rest of the day she got the thanksgiving food ready.

so today i get home at 8:30, walk the dog, eat, shower, baby to sleep, and cleaned the kitchen. I was done by 10 PM. At 10 pm at night I finally have time to log in EQ, and relax.

And then she calls me over to the kitchen,...
I get up from the chair go all the way over there and she tells me... "the fridge door is ajar". I did not pushed it hard enough to close it.


me: "seriously you had to call me all the way here, to do this... you couldn't just close the door. You had to call me. You have to stop with that thing. Also its not fair that i have to clean your muggs from breakfast"

her: "well guess what those mugs are not from breakfast, they are from 6 PM. So you are wrong get, your facts straight".

me:**summons all internal strength to not choke her** "What difference does it make if is from breakfast or 6pm."

her: "you just don't want to do anything. "

**This is after i got home, walked the dog, cleaned the kitchen, threw away the trash, put the baby to sleep**


me: "What did you do today" Did you do your linkedin profile? I told you do your linkedin profile. Show it to me.

her: I don't have to show anything to you.

me: OMG how the heck are you looking for jobs, Are you doing a half assed job at looking for a nursing job? Do you even want a nursing job?

her: yes...

me: **blinks** I dont think you understood what I said. doing a half assed job means NOT doing a good job.

her: Oh... well go to the hospital website.... show me the linkedin there.

me: OMG that is not how it works, linkedin the number 1 job network for professionals, where everyone contacts for jobs, recruiters will find you there. They even have jobs listed there. You go search and apply. Show me your profile.

her: i don't have to show you anything.

me: its because you dot have one.... fucking great.

this is the curated version, I'm physically exhausted, tired, and it feels that she is not putting the same effort on doing the chores/ maintaining the household.

Another example.
She does the laundry on weekend or weekdays but she doesn't fold. She wants me to fold the cloths, so I have told her i can help but i will not do it on the weekdays. I don't have the time it takes to fold a full laundry bag(30 minutes).
I'm not going to put anymore time in chores that I have to do on the weekday. I'll do it on the weekend. so the cloth stay on the bag, even if she is having a no work day.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
If she is not working the chores are her responsibility. I don't feel that is unreasonable. Taking care of your child is not a job.
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Musty Nester
Yeah, she's caught in the trap where she wants to be a nurse but she doesn't want to live in the hospital. Because you have to for a while at least, and she's smart enough to know it. It is emotionally daunting.

You ain't wrong len. But don't let it build up like this. This will be ugly for a while. You and her need to actually talk. It won't get better all at once. It CAN get progressively better.

This is going to sound racist because it -is- racist. I dunno how latino's do it. That latino fire is a sterotype and all... maybe for a reason. The white people way to do this is as calmly as possible. And then get real cold and aloof and snip at each other in misery for 20 years when calm doesn't work.

So you know.. find a way to talk it out with her. If that's shouting, if that's whispering, I dunno. She doesn't want to take the plunge... she'll never find the -perfect- job as a nurse.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
It honestly feels like she is missing the grit. When I got fired from my first job, I was applying to 20mjobs a week, until I landed a job far away, that eventually got me a closer job.
Why isn’t she calling every pediatrics office in the city and ask them if they are hiring?
I told her to do that. To make a list of practices and start calling them.
I think she does wants to work, but doesn’t know how to get there, or be aggressive to get there, and that makes her an unhappy housewife, because she doesn’t want to be a housewife either.

So Im getting the worse of both ends, a crappy housewife / not an equal worker.


Musty Nester
Could be part of your husbandly duty to push her off the cliff. Just like it was your duty to support her while she was training.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Hire a maid/dog walker, the $100-200 a month is worth having the extra couple of hours to connect with your wife, kids and other shit. Of course if your wife is just lazy or a bitch these are other things. Still those few free hours to enjoy quality time are worth their weight in gold.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
We are hiring a maid to the house cleaning once a month, but that doesn’t help with the day to day stuff. Fuck, did we said harsh things I straight up called her a retard when she told me the linkedin thing.
Another thing that grates me is that she never apologizes for anything, so our arguments have almost no resolution. They just linger until I I eventually apologize whether I was right or wrong.

I’ll get a dog walker from the building. That takes something off my plate.