Marriage and the Power of Divorce


A nice asshole.
Wife left Tuesday on her trip, so far so good. Just another day due to work and daughter still in school. See yall in a few weeks.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
If her getting plowed by the poolboy frees up more time for him to play Elden Ring, I would say he may have come out ahead on the deal.
  • 1Galaxy Brain
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A nice asshole.
If her getting plowed by the poolboy frees up more time for him to play Elden Ring, I would say he may have come out ahead on the deal.
Pfft shelved that a while ago, get with the times. All about Salt and Sacrifice now.
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Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Going to a wedding for a friend of mine this weekend in Napa (which is only an hour from here driving so no big deal) and she was actually able to get her ex to keep the kid all weekend. So that’s pretty cool. She’s a little shy about being around so many English speakers and how she’ll be perceived. Her speaking has really noticeably improved since last year though. This is the first time we’ll get to spend an entire weekend together without the kid on a sort of mini vacation.

I have one (humorous) negative thing. Which really I’m just being snarky about and is amusing. Man, she likes some cheesy ass music. Which apparently a lot of Chinese women do. It’s all Chinese language music which has romantic themes, and they all sound exactly the same. I’m sure you’ve heard them playing in a restaurant or something. She has a really no shit decent singing voice and it’s cute to hear her sing them, but they all sound exactly like this:

I’ve literally never heard her listen to one song that doesn’t sound exactly like this. Not one.

Also she’s obsessed with this song. I’ve seen her post like eight iterations of it to her WeChat story. And she’s currently trying to learn it in English:

This band is described in Wikipedia as:

The band has attributed its success in Asia to their drug-free, clean-living image and to singing in English as a second language.

Well isn’t that super.
  • 1Worf
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Going to a wedding for a friend of mine this weekend in Napa (which is only an hour from here driving so no big deal) and she was actually able to get her ex to keep the kid all weekend. So that’s pretty cool. She’s a little shy about being around so many English speakers and how she’ll be perceived. Her speaking has really noticeably improved since last year though. This is the first time we’ll get to spend an entire weekend together without the kid on a sort of mini vacation.

I have one (humorous) negative thing. Which really I’m just being snarky about and is amusing. Man, she likes some cheesy ass music. Which apparently a lot of Chinese women do. It’s all Chinese language music which has romantic themes, and they all sound exactly the same. I’m sure you’ve heard them playing in a restaurant or something. She has a really no shit decent singing voice and it’s cute to hear her sing them, but they all sound exactly like this:

I’ve literally never heard her listen to one song that doesn’t sound exactly like this. Not one.

Also she’s obsessed with this song. I’ve seen her post like eight iterations of it to her WeChat story. And she’s currently trying to learn it in English:

This band is described in Wikipedia as:

The band has attributed its success in Asia to their drug-free, clean-living image and to singing in English as a second language.

Well isn’t that super.

Yea, I'd get used to that music. My wife's parents have that kind of shit on at their house 24/7. Paris by Night, Don Ho, etc... wait until her family wants you to sing karaoke with them in mandarin! Haha
  • 1Truth!
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Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Yea, I'd get used to that music. My wife's parents have that kind of shit on at their house 24/7. Paris by Night, Don Ho, etc... wait until her family wants you to sing karaoke with them in mandarin! Haha
Her family lives in China so I think I’ll escape that at least! She does do karaoke with girlfriends though, which I feel like I’m going to get roped into sooner or later. It’s usually a rare girls only night for her. Most of her friends are married and doing karaoke nights with no men is their thing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
My wife's circle of friends consists of about a dozen Russian speaking women from Russia and various other former Soviet countries. From Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, etc. But mostly from Russia and Ukraine. More than half of them were married but only like three of them have any children. They are all in late twenties (youngest) to late 30s (oldest). So my wife goes to a brunch thing with the ladies that she does from time to time.

I do not go to these obviously. But she comes back home all freaked out. So I shit you not, 4 of them got divorced or are in the process of at nearly the same fucking time and another one had a bad breakup with some guy but she actually got to the point where even I had met the guy (he seemed cool enough I guess).

I honestly thought this was hilarious. She is all "IS THERE SOMETHING IN THE WATER IS IT SPRING DIVORCE SEASON!?" Now I know some of you assholes will say I should worry or something but nah. Shit was just funny.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Most Russian women are high maintenance. They aren't worth the trouble for most guys, especially once they hit their late 30s and start the rapid decline into a hunched over, shawl-wrapped babushka.

I also think Russian men and women hate each other in general. I've known a lot of Russian couples, and very, very few of them were happy.


<Bronze Donator>
My wife's circle of friends consists of about a dozen Russian speaking women from Russia and various other former Soviet countries. From Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, etc. But mostly from Russia and Ukraine. More than half of them were married but only like three of them have any children. They are all in late twenties (youngest) to late 30s (oldest). So my wife goes to a brunch thing with the ladies that she does from time to time.

I do not go to these obviously. But she comes back home all freaked out. So I shit you not, 4 of them got divorced or are in the process of at nearly the same fucking time and another one had a bad breakup with some guy but she actually got to the point where even I had met the guy (he seemed cool enough I guess). The ones divorcing are all on

I honestly thought this was hilarious. She is all "IS THERE SOMETHING IN THE WATER IS IT SPRING DIVORCE SEASON!?" Now I know some of you assholes will say I should worry or something but nah. Shit was just funny.
Why didn't you respond with some form of "and the cure is in my pants"?
  • 1Worf
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Why didn't you respond with some form of "and the cure is in my pants"?
Fozzie Bear Reaction GIF
  • 3Worf
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Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Wedding weekend in Napa was nice. Lots of sleeping together, pictures, meeting friends, unhealthy food, and talking. We’re now talking about moving in together *next year* if things continue the way they are. Talking like a few months into 2023…so that would be going on 1.5 years of knowing each other by then. Which is legit. It’s nice we’re on the same page and she is in no rush for anything.
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Tranny Chaser
Going to a wedding for a friend of mine this weekend in Napa (which is only an hour from here driving so no big deal) and she was actually able to get her ex to keep the kid all weekend. So that’s pretty cool. She’s a little shy about being around so many English speakers and how she’ll be perceived. Her speaking has really noticeably improved since last year though. This is the first time we’ll get to spend an entire weekend together without the kid on a sort of mini vacation.

I have one (humorous) negative thing. Which really I’m just being snarky about and is amusing. Man, she likes some cheesy ass music. Which apparently a lot of Chinese women do. It’s all Chinese language music which has romantic themes, and they all sound exactly the same. I’m sure you’ve heard them playing in a restaurant or something. She has a really no shit decent singing voice and it’s cute to hear her sing them, but they all sound exactly like this:

I’ve literally never heard her listen to one song that doesn’t sound exactly like this. Not one.

Also she’s obsessed with this song. I’ve seen her post like eight iterations of it to her WeChat story. And she’s currently trying to learn it in English:

This band is described in Wikipedia as:

The band has attributed its success in Asia to their drug-free, clean-living image and to singing in English as a second language.

Well isn’t that super.

They're danish, uber romantic easy rock, lolololol, MLTR. You're so getting married soon, Sir.
  • 2Worf
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Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
They're danish, uber romantic easy rock, lolololol, MLTR. You're so getting married soon, Sir.
Naww, not soon at least. If things keep progressing I could *see* it in the future but we’re both on the same page. We’re not rushing into even living together let alone getting married. We both acknowledge that yes, we are good together and things are all rainbows and kittens but we have enough experience in relationships to know we need more time.

But I do have a confession to make of this weekend. I kiiiinda came inside her and she is not on birth control or anything else. Soo…I do know she’s really not in the best window to get pregnant so that’s a positive. We probably won’t do that again. Moment of passion and all. 😬 Fate is fate.
  • 1Seriously?
  • 1Worf
  • 1Genius!
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