Marvel Heroes 20xx


Without rerolled I wouldn't even know this game exists and I visit IGN Game Spot Rockpapershotgun Kotaku every day if not twice a day. They either haven't even bothered or simply have absolutely no money to advertise.


Trakanon Raider
Without rerolled I wouldn't even know this game exists and I visit IGN Game Spot Rockpapershotgun Kotaku every day if not twice a day. They either haven't even bothered or simply have absolutely no money to advertise.
I'm assuming they are simply relying on the hype other areas of Marvel are receiving to lead people to this... I've seen little things around but to be honest, my information has been primarily from Rerolled. I'm like you... I visit gaming sites, blogs, etc. has kind my rotations during my breaks and I have seen very little. However, I don't think it will take much to get the word out and about with D3 failures and Marvel's movie hype to make the game known. If it is any fun at all, word will travel fast.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
David Brevik stated on the beta forums that they just simply do not have the much money at all for marketing. it's a tricky balance because they are clearly spending their limited resources on making the game fun and playable... but... well... if no one is playing it then who cares how great it is?

they said that they are really relying on word of mouth. everyone always makes the natural comparison to d3 and, well... you could write a masters level dissertation on the differences in their marketing designs. it'll be interesting to see where marvel heroes is in a year.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
so in the game as in a playable character when purchasing the game? or in the game as in only available if you pay for that specific character? i doubt i'll even play this game at all, but i'd be willing to give it a try for like $20 or something. i am however not willing to spend any additional money just to play as the characters that i want (IMO, that should be included with the purchase of the game).
in the game as in, npcs. they all have models, though i think bishop is the only one with has anything more than idle animations. the others are basically vendors that stand and wave their arms around when you talk to them. bishop runs in circles for a minute THEN stands still waving his arms around when you talk to him.


It seems a lot of new bugs were introduced with the latest patch. Crafting appears to be half-broken now and there is a bug with the main storyline progression where killing Kingpin boots you to login and does a rollback so you have to clear his whole tower again.

Pre-order early access is supposed to start next week so I hope they can get these bugs ironed out.


Silver Squire
They said that there will be a patch on monday or tuesday to fix some of the bugs. As for Kingpin, I manage to beat him and grab the quest item and warped out before it crashed me; however, the next 2 chapters after that has been constantly crashing and rolling back, so it's pointless to even progress pass that part until the new patch hits.


<Gold Donor>
They've kind of fucked up the game for me. Feels really (REALLY) grindy past 15 or so, and I'm severely underleveled now when taking on Doom/Juggernaut/Etc. They said on the CB forums that they did it intentionally, but the result (at least for me) is a game that is a lot less fun. Nobody in this day and age wants to fucking grind levels in an ARPG so they don't get 1-shotted by a boss. Really hope they find a happy medium, as the leveling speed before this patch seemed fine to me. Glad they lowered the HP of mobs, they they fucked up their algorithims a bit - blue/yellow elite mobs now go down significantly quicker than white normal mobs.

Oh, and they fucking ruined Deadpool. Most of the other champs that I've played this weekend (Panther, Scarlett Witch, Hulk) still seem fine, but some feel really nerfed (Hi2u Iron Man). This really could use another 2 months of testing/balancing, but its clear they are on a deadline to start making some $$. We'll see how launch goes - servers at least seem pretty stable. I had a conspiracy theory that was another reason for the void in marketing/hype. They'd rather have the game get popular through word of mouth after they've had time to make adjustments to the server as UP/PP/Founders get in. If the people come to the game gradually, it might be easier on them.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I'm with Springbok on this. This grind is fuckin silly. It's as if they are forcing you to buy from the store. Some bosses are not insane to kill, but just take forever now, because you are ahead of the game.

Iron Man is junk. Hulk who was just fun, is now a PITA to kill anything with. Deadpool...christ. He is useless.

Top that off with them having a major problem with you sitting at the cursor and login prompt for about 1+ minute before logging in. All the while you need to bring up task manager to even use your PC while you wait to login.

Oh, and crafting is borked.

This was a fun game last week. Now it just isn't. They need to figure out the balance, and fast.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I just played a bit. Hulk seemed to do ok still (compared to Rocket Raccoon & Cable :8)


<Gold Donor>
I just played a bit. Hulk seemed to do ok still (compared to Rocket Raccoon & Cable :8)
Ya, I was all set for Cable to be my first champ (bought X-Force pack because of him), and I genuinely have no desire to play him anymore. I'm not even kidding when saying this: Scarlett Witch is so much better than *most* of the pay champs that I'm beginning to wonder what the point is? I can't stand the playstyle of most of the champs I WANTED to play (wolverine/deadpool/iron man/cable/cyclops) - maybe not playstyle, but they are all pretty weak. Hawkeye is still pretty strong (free), and Scarlett Witch is good AND her skillset meshes well. Like Brahma said - last week I was (still) in love with the game, and was having a blast/getting antsy when servers were down, etc... but since the patch, they've fucking broken it... hopefully not irreparably.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
i havn't had much chance to play more than a few hours total since the past reset... what's wrong with the crafting system? i haven't really used it at all this pass as my heroes are only level 5 and under.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
i havn't had much chance to play more than a few hours total since the past reset... what's wrong with the crafting system? i haven't really used it at all this pass as my heroes are only level 5 and under.
Costume enhancements just hang at 100% when trying to combine. Then tells you to contact customer service. Some potions just put the items back in your inventory.


Log Wizard
They fixed some of the costume stuff. You can now get rank 1-3 at least of affixes on your costume. Also graphical artifact costume enhancements now work.

A lot of the changes they've done have been pretty terrible since last patch, but with 60 levels and it being very likely having max amount of points (I'm guessing 50+10 from items) for some skills the damage might catch up end game for a lot of characters. But then some skills, or half of all of Deadpool's, it seems, are just not working at all.

Also, random question, but has anyone seen the Crystal of Kadauus artifact drop yet or the Cyttorak Torch? Both were pretty awesome artifacts but my group and I seem to only get the same 5 or 6 artis over and over.


Trakanon Raider
My biggest concern has been the changes implemented as of late have exposed, uncovered, whatever more issues. Really makes me wonder about their development process and how content is being reviewed before revealing it to a player base (even if it is beta).


Molten Core Raider
Game is fun. Skill trees are simple but the skills are cool. Considering throwing a few bucks their way.


<Gold Donor>
Last nights patch fixed several of the things they fucked up over the weekend - glad they are listening to player base. Still need to tweak xp gains from 25 (Doom) to 30. No idea about 30+ gameplay yet, but have a feeling it will be grindy as hell. Did first set of dailies - pretty fun, got a few levels.

Side note: Several heroes still pretty fucked up. Wolverine, Deadpool, Iron Man, & Punisher are all a pain in the ass to play atm for me.

Meanwhile, cheaper heroes - Ms. Marvel, Black Panther, Scarlett Witch and Black Widow feel great. Thor, Hulk still beasting everything. Colossus also seems to be in a good spot. Bought XForce pack hoping to love Cable, but absolutely hate his playstyle. Going to see if I can switch packs to something else.


Molten Core Raider
Does cable have his wicked fucked up arm that turns into a claw or does he just use his rifle?


<Gold Donor>
I'll have to check, but I got him to the mid teens over the weekend and he only uses rifle/psychic dmg.


Silver Squire
Cable doesn't really pick up steam until level 20, where he can unlock his teleport and his 3rd basic attack. At that point, I simply dot up mobs, teleport away, and finish off with basic attacks.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Game is pretty fun an hour here and there, but I am going to wait and see if they get rid of the massive lag that I was getting in the open weekends before I toss them any money.