Marvel Heroes 20xx


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Given the price list of heroes and costumes in G ($1=100G, like 1.50 euro per 100G), the Ultimate Pack looks better and better. $20 bucks for basic Thor? Come on. I am just stuck on the fence. I don't mind spending some money but $200 bucks is just so much, even for a game I enjoy.


Considering I spent $200 on this (Anyone from the D2 team gets an instant all in for me for the simple fact I spent $120? on the d2 and xpac and spent ~10 years playing it), yes, some sort of compensation is due. I worked 14 hours today and when I came home I was expecting to unwind with copious amounts of alcohol and Marvel Heroes. When you pay for something and are promised something and they fail to deliver, there is a need to make it right. Not asking for thousands of dollars in items or characters or blowjobs. Just something.

Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
Most of this doesn't seem to pertain to you but just as a general rule of thumb.

Have we not learned something about MMO releases in the past 15 years? Opening night/week will always suck dick in some way, shape, or form. And don't ever take a weeks vacation off the first week of release. I loved seeing 5 or 6 guildies say they're taking a week off for *insert WoW expansion here* and that week they did more bitching than playing. So hilarious.


<Silver Donator>
Most of this doesn't seem to pertain to you but just as a general rule of thumb.

Have we not learned something about MMO releases in the past 15 years? Opening night/week will always suck dick in some way, shape, or form. And don't ever take a weeks vacation off the first week of release. I loved seeing 5 or 6 guildies say they're taking a week off for *insert WoW expansion here* and that week they did more bitching than playing. So hilarious.
It's not a mmo though, it's a diablo-like, without the diablo numbers.


I get what you are saying about that but ya, this is a different situation. Yours is due too over crowding and stress on the servers. With this, they have considerably less stress on the servers and the last patch of beta was running smooth. I really don't understand what the fuck the deal is and the lack of communication is annoying. After hellgate london and possibly how this works out, I might be done with the old d2 crew but I want to believe damnit!

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
As much as I love D1/D2 its been 14 years, and they havent done much of interest since - the 15 or so minutes I gave this game to capture me during beta failed to draw me in. So I'm not sure that faith is warranted after such a long time. Look at Red5, Hellgate, Torchlight: no game, total failure, fun but shortlived Diablo clone... not exactly stellar.

back to this game, I'll DL it in a week or so on a slow day and see how it plays now but not expecting anything worth money. Might throw some at them anyway just to play a favorite (depending on what I can pick from for free).


Avatar of War Slayer
quick question, what i read you are guaranteed 2 hero drops. one for completing the Prologue and one for defeating Doom for the 1st time. getting a lot of mixed info on just who you can get. some are saying both come from the starting 5, others say only 1 is from the starting 5 and 2nd is totally random. which is it?


Silver Squire
The reward for the prologue is one of the starting 5, as for the reward for beating doom, I got another starting hero, but I'm not sure if it is restricted to the starting 5 heroes, since that reward itself was implemented fairly late in the beta cycle, and I haven't gotten another hero up to that point to test it out.


<Gold Donor>
In beta, you got one starter at beginning and one after defeating Green Goblin (tutorial boss); which was another of the starter heroes. They changed that, and now you get a fortune card after beating GG. Not sure about Doom, they've wiped Closed Beta forums as well.


Silver Squire
I thought the card was dropped from GG and and the hero reward was from the npc you talk to? Is that not the case?


<Gold Donor>
Now that you mention it, I'm not entirely sure. Will find out Friday though. Would really like to play now, but c'est la vie.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Finished chapter 1 with Ms. Marvel, I like the mix of melee and range attacks. And she looks sexy.


Molten Core Raider
I bought one of the starter packs on steam, when will the game be available to play for me? Is it friday any time or a midnight launch or what?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I feel like I would enjoy this game more if I could skip the first like 5-10 levels. Playing it during the open beta weekend was incredibly meh but I can see the potential. It just felt like a slower version of the console X-men ARPGs.


Avatar of War Slayer
know there are isn't a ton of people playing right now, but really doesn't seem like much buzz going on.
to my question about drops most people are saying both heroes are from the starting pool.

don't know where this came from, but several people have said the more heroes/outfits you have the higher the chance you have get those drops


Trakanon Raider
know there are isn't a ton of people playing right now, but really doesn't seem like much buzz going on.
to my question about drops most people are saying both heroes are from the starting pool.

don't know where this came from, but several people have said the more heroes/outfits you have the higher the chance you have get those drops
Probably not as many as you think playing because those who had the access missed work or school the day they were supposed to log in and it was down. So now, everyone back to normal life since they wasted their allotted time off. I say that jokingly but I would say that those who paid the big bucks are still formulating opinions. I've heard that the earlier part of the game is a much different experience compared to later on.


Silver Knight of the Realm
There is quite a big issue atm: The game indicates that your username or password is incorrect (You can still login to the website). Some people that payed $200 have not been able to play yet. It still isn't fixed since they have no idea what is causing it.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
So some peeps got together and gave me some Steam wallet action for my birthday. Naturally I went and spent it on an Ultimate Pack because what else would I spend a bajillion dollars on Steam on otherwise? Less than an hour later, my nerfed-enough-thanks Thor is making the same thing happen to muggers as happens to everything else when it is struck by lightning. A few observations:

1) The game doesn't seem to be in any more polished state than when I last played in the beta the final Open weekend. In fact, it seems less together: Sticking sounds, no floating dmg text, animations not playing when hitting, animations playing and mobs taking no damage, small moments of lag, etc. Perhaps that is just me and my judgement is harsher as this is Live.
2)Its still fun! It's very mindlessly in small moments enjoyable.
3)Having spent $200 on it, I am sure not to get my money's worth out of it. I will probably get more time with it than TOR, though, and I bought $150 CE for that. So why make just one poor decision?
4)The lack of overall zone maps just kills me, although it seems like they do a better job now of helping you find your way to zone events.
5)It's obvious the crafting elements/system is designed to drive storage purchases. I guess GW2 collections has ruined me forever on that going forward.
6)I think this is going to do pretty well, f2p doesn't seem to be b2w just yet but still has the hooks to sell both the big ticket items (heroes, costumes) and the small cost items (Selling the Fortune Cards for a dollar is probably a license to print money and scares me).