I do this solo. I generally run with hulk, he has basically standard gear (all unique 63, gugnir maxed, artifact 3/4 enchanted, gok, sacred gorilla, adv sensor meta and kung fu guide). The runs are pretty much zero deaths, unless im sleeping on the first boss (the 5 cows), which is where the only place i risk to die. Dont have many omega either (around 600ish). Runs are around 10-20 min. depending how much i want to clear.I hear people raving about bovenheim and WTFever the other cow portal is called, but I must be doing something wrong. So I've come here to ask the dumb question.
I have had stacks of these portals for a while and now have even more -- but these seem useless. I click the pportal and zone in. The cows dont seem to drop anything, and the bosses dont seem to be soloable, but there's no mechanism in place to form groups (e.g. like there is for x-def or holo-sim). What am I missing? Are you guys just bad ass and able to solo the bosses that are one hitting me, or am I doing something wrong? With a half dozen lvl 60 characters I dont think I've ever seen anyone LFG, so PUG cant be the answer. Are you guys doing this with supergroups only?
Thanks for any advice.
I guess using a char with decent defense and strong aoe for fast clearing is key for that scenario. I must admit i havent tried it with any other of my 60 (cable, im, x23, wolv, spidey, sg), guess it prolly would be long doing it on cable x and wolf.
I think it all depend on what kind of char u have