Doomsaw I'm meh about, he did a good job in helping turn the game around early but the game has really become stagnant in a lot of areas, some new blood in that position might not hurt. On the other hand, letting Amthua go was an incredibly dumb idea, especially considering how much he did there. He didn't work on heroes though, so he's not responsible for that clusterfuck, they literally have one person there who handles power tuning, that's Psilocke. If you mean items, well stuff like Power Cosmic and Power Doop both came from Doomsaw, originally they were going to be even stronger. He was also pretty much the only high end player they had on staff, he actually did the raids on live so he could check the tuning. Also as much as people bitched about the original Sentinels tuning, that basically forced certain people at Gaz to see just how bad hero balance was.