Monday Morning Update 10/26 - Marvel Heroes 2015
Hey all, happy Monday. (Not the band.)
Wanted to give an update on this week and the rest of the year in general!
Blade had a good weekend of testing and feedback and we have lots to address today. There are some small changes that'll go to Test Center later today that were done over the weekend. Thanks again for all the feedback!
Danger Room
Danger Room's had a lot of great feedback and we're working on some pretty big changes. The difficulty is pretty far off where it should be and we're working on that, and this weekend had more bug reports to work through. This is mid-November at the earliest due to bugs and some upcoming changes that will need testing. We're dedicated to making Danger Room awesome and we know the delay will help us achieve that.
Defense Changes
This is still underway. We're shooting for mid-November, but it's a big task that'll need a solid amount of testing from you guys as well as QA. I'd like to ship this separately from Danger Room, as they may muddy the waters of each others' testing. We're very happy with how it's shaping out though, and it's allowing us to make some nice changes to systems that have been needed for a while.
Halloween Event
The Halloween Event is returning this week, along with the spoopy Avengers Tower decorations and a brand new Halloween costume and Team-Up that'll be in the store (Frankencastle). Frankencastle was actually finished last year, but we chose Brood Wolverine over him, so he gets his time to shine this year.
Deadpool 52
I've answered it a few times, but a nice central post is needed. Deadpool's 52 is currently scheduled to go live in December with Marvel Heroes 2016. It's very important to us to get him done by the release of MH2016 as he's the last review, but if players at that point feel he needs more work, he'll hang out on TC for a bit longer. As to why he's been delayed- he has a lot of new animations and powers, and we felt that getting the Defense Review done sooner rather than later was very important.
Upcoming Heroes
Magik is up next after Blade. Iron Fist is after her, with Black Cat on the thread between December and January.
Upcoming Team-Up Heroes
Agent Venom is the next Team-Up Hero to be released. He is planned to ship sometime in December.
Marvel Heroes 2016
Planned to ship in December. Just reiterating.
Costume Sale for Halloween?
Yes. <3
In Closing
Have a good week, everybody. See you out there in the streets of Midtown today. (Just kidding last time I was there I got really sick.)