Marvel Heroes 20xx


Trakanon Raider
Seems like most heroes are pretty meh for the majority of their gameplay. Maybe each of their final abilities makes them awesome, but heroes like Jean Grey, the Hulk, and Iron Man just demolish everything while everyone else is twiddling their thumbs.

I'm torn between wanting to spend money on some of the fun heroes and realizing this game will be shit after a month or two.


Avatar of War Slayer
City of Steam sucked me right in.

This not so much.

Is new heroes only cash shop? or is there a means to unlock heroes via playing, and just cash shop for costumes?
Extremely limited skill trees, and stat advancement is not very desirable either.

UI is weak. Except being able to hit C and see characters in the swapping menu.

Leveling up vendors? are you fucking kidding me?


Trakanon Raider
Played for about 4 hours today, decent game, needs some work though

ui needs a lot of work, crafting mats don't stack, what?
combat is decent, could use some work, though maybe I'm spoiled by D3
movement is kinda stiff like others have said

Some serious bugs still in the game
Random mobs not finishing death animation when you kill them
Random permanent unremovable dot causing me to hilariously die in the stark tower
Event bosses can be easily leashed and reset

Servers were lagged pretty bad earlier, 10+ seconds of delay while fighting event bosses

Overall not bad for FTP beta, hopefully they get the bugs and UI worked out before release


Enjoying the mindlessness of it. Some WTF things, as has been mentioned but I like it.

Will probably be one of those games I keep loaded on my PC and play every once in a while.


<Gold Donor>
Since it is FTP I will play it and hope I get a good Hero to drop, but I won't spend $60 for the one character I want. Now if hey had Hulk & Iceman together in a premium peak that would be a different story. Where the fuck is Iceman? And how about Silver Surfer?

What Hero do you get when you go straight FTP?


Silver Squire
Daredevil, Scarlet Witch, Thing, Hawkeye, and Storm are the starters. Atm, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, and Storm are pretty good, while Daredevil is meh, and Thing can be beastly in pvp with reflect.


Avatar of War Slayer
when I started, Ironman, Thor, Vision, black widow, captain America, and a few where what I was able to choose from.


Tranny Chaser
It is really quite smart of them to do this in a LOL/DOTA style of character selection. Allows them to tap into the market of people who will pay anything to be their favorite marvel character as well as 'gotta catch em all' types who want to collect every possible character and costume. Has a nice blend of classic powers and choice in upgrades that actually let people play a super hero game as their favorite super hero...

I think this is a better route than DC with their Crisis inspired DOTA game.


Trakanon Raider
It is really quite smart of them to do this in a LOL/DOTA style of character selection. Allows them to tap into the market of people who will pay anything to be their favorite marvel character as well as 'gotta catch em all' types who want to collect every possible character and costume. Has a nice blend of classic powers and choice in upgrades that actually let people play a super hero game as their favorite super hero...

I think this is a better route than DC with their Crisis inspired DOTA game.
I agree with this but I still think the game itself has a ways to go. Not really anything major but they could tweak 3-5 things and it would make a huge difference.


<Gold Donor>
I assume anyone playing the Beta got this e-mail, but just in case ....


Thank you for joining us for this final Open Beta Weekend for Marvel Heroes. If you played the game yesterday, you may have experienced some 'lag' and may not have been able to login. We had some technical issues with our servers, but those have now been resolved, and we have more players than ever enjoying the game!

We wanted to let you know that the servers are up and waiting for you. If you haven't logged in yet, you will get your pick of five Avengers to play, just for this weekend - pick Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow or Hulk to start your Marvel Heroes experience! We've also given you some 'test' in-game currency to buy additional heroes with - just press 'X' in-game to access the store.

As a result of the issues we had yesterday, we will be extending the Open Beta Weekend beyond our previously advertised finish time of 10AM PDT on Monday, to 10AM PDT on Tuesday May 14 - a full 24 hours of extra play time. So if you haven't had a chance to play yet, there's still time to do so!

We hope you enjoy the game!

The Marvel Heroes Team

PS: Don't forget, if you enjoy Marvel Heroes our Founders Packs are still available! If you buy an Ultimate or Premium pack, you will get Closed Beta Access! Your Beta progress doesn't transfer to the live game, so get a great discount on heroes and costumes with a Founders Pack!


Trakanon Raider
After weeks of just ignoring the invites to beta weekends, and the mixed reviews, I finally decided after the extended time yesterday to just give it a try. I was honestly surprised at how well the game is for a diablo clone. I will probably look into picking up the X-Force pack to play with but they said that pretty much every hero and costume will be available through rare drops, with some minor exceptions, just a matter of if you want to wait to get them as a drop or play with your hero of choice right away.

They have talents trees which look like a good mixture of skills, thor has a lot of knockbacks and stuns, iron man has different shields and an arsenal of weapons to play with, they both have charge moves which can get you out of jams, scarlet witch had a lot of weakening spells mixed with the aoe root and dot. You can switch your heroes from your roster at any time without needing to log out which is nice. Over 20 heroes to level and equip up, and the story you will only need to go through once, but you can repeat missions I believe and the do open areas where the bosses spawn frequently.

The open public area where you see a lot of other players doing the couple public quests or killing villains randomly with you was nice, but I'm sure seeing 5 hulks, 4 thors, 3 wolverines, 10 iron mans running around will probably annoy some people. You can level up vendors by donating goods to them and then they will offer better items to you, didn't do much crafting but crafting ingredients not stacking is bad but manageable.

The UI needs work for sure, the map system just annoyed me. Not sure about "stiff" controls, but the usual diablo problems of having to use the left mouse to move and do your attack is there, I wish there was an option to also wasd movements, and also a hold position button much like you can do in diablo to turn yourself into a turret with ranged.

I may have missed the bad parts of the weekend, but overall it gave me a good impression, I certainly would play it over diablo. I hope they can release new heroes in good time to get more favorites out there.


<Silver Donator>
There's a hold button, which is shift as usual. You cannot rebind it though, which is absolutely fucking retarded.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I don't ever understand the wsad control scheme arguments for these games. Point and click seems infinitely better in every scenario I can think of


Personally, I like at least having WASD as an option due to wrist issues. Not that I feel it's superior to point-and-click, I just can't do point-and-click for as long as I normally like to play these kinds of games.


Trakanon Raider
I don't ever understand the wsad control scheme arguments for these games. Point and click seems infinitely better in every scenario I can think of
Moving while aiming/firing doesn't seem easier to you with 2 forms of control instead of 1?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
But you can't move and fire at the same time. If you could, it'd still be easier as you could click exactly where you want to go and then attack while you move there. Moving and aiming is going to be a problem no matter what control scheme you use