My point is Marvel movies are based on comics and the characters in the comics generally experienced major changes because over time as they become stagnant.comics? heh no i last read a comic book in the early 90s. everyone was still who they were supposed to be.
I get that some folks have issues with change. The Dr. Who folks probably experience more than anyone. It doesnt really bother me. If Ildris got tagged for James Bond, I'll go see it. If a buffed up Emily Blunt got tagged for James Bond, I would see it in the hope she played it like Theron in Atomic Blonde. If they cast an all female cast for a remake of Platoon, I'll give it a hard pass.
I get other people's mileage may vary. The difference is I wont let it bug me. There is just way too much other important shit for me to spend energy on. Like for instance figuring out how Hillary was able to stealth into Epstein's tunnel temple unseen and do Huma from behind with an ivory strap-on while wearing a mask made of a 7-year olds skin. Now that is worth spending energy trying to figure out.