<Gold Donor>
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- 351
A 747 falls through a crack in space.
Silver Surfer meets a mysterious girl, she's the key to everything and just perfect in every way, actually she's Galactus' secret sister.
The 747 is a dream, forget it happened.
Anyway Silver Surfer and Galactus' sister get married and the entire budget is spent on a 360 degree camera shot of the bride and groom.
On honeymoon Silver Surfer turns on the TV and IT'S GAY MORIARTY, BUT HOW IS HE BACK!?
Like... Moffat... what the fuck are you saying? He ruined Doctor Who and was coasting on having Matt Smith and Karen Gillian.
It's easy to shit on him now, lets gloss over his role in reviving the show from death and giving us Eccleston and Tennant in the first place since it doesn't help your argument.
On a short leash where he doesn't need to create any of the crazy crap you mentioned, you employ him to adapt the existing story from the comic. Trim the fat, fix the dialogue.
He's an industry writer from Doctor Who, adapting a story that is Doctor Who in all but name who you can slap on the product which tells everyone what kind of story it is. Win / Win.
He gets the companion dynamic which is at the heart of the story. Same reason I said British director, since they will have familiarity having grown up with the show.