Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


<Prior Amod>
I still can't figure out what scenario even exists where Yoyo gets BOTH of her arms chopped off above the elbow when moving at super speed. I mean, she is fully cognizant and aware at those speeds, it isn't like she just goes in one direction and can't stop or something. How is something even moving that fast compared to her that it chops them both off? Or at the very least, as it is cutting through one I'd assume she was aware enough, and smart enough, to stop before it cuts the second one off. And again, above the elbows?? What was she trying to do to the fucking thing? She certainly didn't try to grab it with her hands, so how does any of it even make sense? With how fast she gathered up all the guns (and then never fought at super speed after that for some stupid reason), she could have literally picked up every gun and tried to swat the chakram thing down with them, but instead she uses her biceps? WTF?

I know, comic book show. But still.
don't forget, the xena chakra not only cut off both arms, but was able to kick yoyo out of her inhuman ability (yoyo back to the beginning)

heres secret warriros, i think this was issue 2 and daisy just formed the team


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Hmm interesting.

I still think this Phil dying setup is them aligning with the new Avengers movie. Phil will die in show, gets resurrected in the movie, has some "mysterious" memory loss about the show. I didn't see the Deke being FitzSimmons' grandkid though lol.


Hmm interesting.

I still think this Phil dying setup is them aligning with the new Avengers movie. Phil will die in show, gets resurrected in the movie, has some "mysterious" memory loss about the show. I didn't see the Deke being FitzSimmons' grandkid though lol.

Yeah the Deke reveal was definitely surprising, didn't expect that at all. I can see how they might do that to Coulson, but somehow I doubt they would mem wipe him. Seems like a waste of 4 years and given Infinity War is the culmination of all things MCU, I just don't see it.

The writers have said they are tying everything off this season and are writing the last episode as a series finale because they're not sure if the show is coming back. Maybe they use the movie as a kick off for an Inhumans movie?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I think the Inhumans series being a huge bomb killed any further appetite for that. Plus, if Disney has Mutants from X-Men, they don't need to bother with Inhumans.

I hadn't heard that about the show. I hope not, but if so, they had a pretty good run


Trakanon Raider
Hmm interesting.

I still think this Phil dying setup is them aligning with the new Avengers movie. Phil will die in show, gets resurrected in the movie, has some "mysterious" memory loss about the show. I didn't see the Deke being FitzSimmons' grandkid though lol.
I don't really see the point of wiping his memory of the show, though. Like, why would they need to do that? It's not like the show conflicts with the MCU events or something. If anything, I think he'll show up in infinity war as a surprise to the Avengers, but to help save the day with some info he has from the show.
Well, that's what *I* would do, but they've avoided any kind of cross over with the show and movies for logistical reasons for the entire run.. so i'd be surprised if they changed that now.


Trakanon Raider
Then they wouldnt have him in the movie at all, not bring him in and pretend show never happened.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Sure they would. The movie and TV guys have some pissy 13 year old girl feud going on, but movies get more sway so the TV show has to adapt. My guess:

1) Coulson dies on TV show (finale maybe?)
2) Something in Infinity War resurrects Coulson (Thanos, random Infinity Gem fuckery, etc)
3) Avengers are all "omg Coulson", Coulson will crack some joke about seeming to have missed a lot since all the Avengers look different, they mention he was dead, Coulson says something like "guess that explains a lot", he'll ask about SHIELD and Fury will tell him SHIELD is gone. Coulson will be key to the Infinity War in some way. Reasoning: TV show says Coulson has to die to stop the world from being blown up. If he doesn't die in show, then that would fuck up the resurrection in the movies. If they do reference AoS, it will be some sort of subtle easter egg/throw away joke line.
4) If TV show comes back, they'll devise some reason as to why Coulson's memory in Infinity War was missing and use it as a drama plot point / goal of restoring the memory (no memory of Daisy! No memory of the romance with May! No memory of FitzSimmons!)

I would be super shocked if AoS actually got some legit name dropping/reference in the films. I would be happy as fuck as well, but I'm not holding out any hope.
  • 1Worf
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I figure the blonde chick is an LMD too.

The only way I can see yoyo's arms being cut off like that is if her body was inside the chakra while it was cutting her arms. Still not very plausible. I don't even remember if the chakra was big enough for that to be possible. Either that or she runs like a zombie with both hands out in front of her

So what was yoyo's original origin where she had no arms? Did they give her replacement arms? My wife was wondering if her yoyo ability would work with the mechanical arms. Like would she be able to use them at super speed to steal stuff?


<Prior Amod>
I figure the blonde chick is an LMD too.

The only way I can see yoyo's arms being cut off like that is if her body was inside the chakra while it was cutting her arms. Still not very plausible. I don't even remember if the chakra was big enough for that to be possible. Either that or she runs like a zombie with both hands out in front of her

So what was yoyo's original origin where she had no arms? Did they give her replacement arms? My wife was wondering if her yoyo ability would work with the mechanical arms. Like would she be able to use them at super speed to steal stuff?
her codename was boomerang or something silly, her power is exactly like tv yoyo, it's just that Daisy gathered the Secret Warriors (ppl w/ powers only nick fury knew, cuz no one could be trusted), and trained them for a few months, their first mission, everything is fucked, along w/ yoyo losing her arms. she's benched until they put robo arms on her, comic yoyo has no issues at all.


French Madman
Yeah at this point in the show, losing your arms is not that tragic.

I mean, look at Coulson prosthetic hand. Stick two of those to Yoyo and you can consider it an upgrade.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Sure. As long as she can close her mechanical fingers as fast as she closed her real ones it's a total upgrade. I can't think of any indication we've had that she can make other things work faster though. Even when she grabs a person and relocates them they don't know whats happening.


Life's a Dream
When is Nick Fury coming back into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (or TV shows) anyway? He's been gone for a while.

EDIT: IMDB to the rescue. He showed up last in Age of Ultron. He's scheduled to appear again in Captain Marvel.


French Madman
When is Nick Fury coming back into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (or TV shows) anyway? He's been gone for a while.

EDIT: IMDB to the rescue. He showed up last in Age of Ultron. He's scheduled to appear again in Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel takes place in the 90s though, so it's back when SHIELD was still going strong.
Fury completely disappeared from the current timeline after Ultron, no idea why.


Trakanon Raider
Sure they would. The movie and TV guys have some pissy 13 year old girl feud going on, but movies get more sway so the TV show has to adapt. My guess:
huh? Where did you hear that?
The reason they don't cross over more is simple logistics, that's all. They plan out the movies YEARS in advance, the TV show could have gotten cancelled any season. It was basically going to be cancelled last season, but Disney stepped in and demanded it stay on another season. If they don't do that again, then this is the last season and the writers are trying to wrap things up in case that happens, while leaving an opening for another season if they get renewed. The show is more agile in terms of story writing, the movies are not. Two years ago, the writers hadn't written any of the episodes we are seeing now, but the next 4 marvel movies had their overall story outlined years ago. Getting those two to line up and synchronize is a monumental task for very little benefit.

When they had AoS and Winter Soldier line up, that took tons of planning, and nothing in the show effected the movie really. It caused a, what was it, 2-4 weeks?.. break for AoS so the episodes would line up before and after the movie? That's also why Coulson hasn't shown up in any movies, despite it making sense for him to contact Stark or someone and be like 'o hai, i'm alive btw'. I'm guessing they are waiting for AoS to be done before he shows back up in any movies, possibly he's heavily involved in the next phase assuming the actor is interested in playing the same character for another 5+ years. That's a problem they are running into with their current lineup, many of the actor's contracts are done/nearing their end and they either want too much money or just don't want to keep playing the same role for another 5+ years. Instead of Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, we'll have Bucky/Warmachine. Maybe Samuel Jackson is in that boat, who knows? If so, Coulson could become the new version of Fury for whatever version of SHIELD emerges from the ashes. This is all post infinity war, of course, where they've been very tight lipped about what happens.

My guess is, we're getting a version of Secret Invasion, and Fury/Coulson will be hiding away putting together the version of 'Secret Warriors/Commandos' from that story. That is potentially related to where AoS seems to be going, too. They've said the title of the next Avengers film is a big hint to the storyline. The biggest non-infinity war event of the last few decades that I can think of, that involved most of the marvel universe, was Secret Invasion. I mean, you have things like Phoenix Saga, House of M (neither of which they would have had the necessary rights to do until a few months ago), etc.. but none of them fit as well. Maybe something like Annihilation if they wanna continue down the cosmic route? Secret Wars is a bigger event, historically, but that doesn't make for a very good story in the more realistic setting of the MCU. Bunch of heroes and villains thrown into Battleworld by the Beyonder? Action packed, but not much plot there.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It came up a while ago. The head of the movie division and the head of the TV division had some sort of power struggle shit going on/whatever and there were creative conflicts with AoS and the larger Marvel universe (movie folks wanted theirs to be the only thing that counted and thought Coulson being alive on AoS was bullshit).


<Prior Amod>
i can't wait for AOS to be over now, now that they bring in horrible deathlok, ugh, just cancel this shit already.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
He was just a cameo. They mention at the end of the episode that Deathlok only came back to help and is doing his own thing.