Marvel's Jessica Jones


Avatar of War Slayer
Half way through episode six and there still isn't an epic "one take hallway fight scene"....


Golden Squire
Watched the first episode. Jesus you don't even meet Kilgrave and he's already the downright scariest villain they've introduced.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Really enjoying the series, on ep11 and its kind of a bizarre show. The whole series so far makes it an extremely anti-feminist feminist series if that makes sense. Majority of the main characters are all "powerful" women who, like everyone else in other series, are capable of making massively incompetent decisions that lead to everything getting more fucked up then it started. So kudos to them for actually writing middle of the road instead of going full "On a powerful Lifetime Series Movie".


<Bronze Donator>
Half way through episode six and there still isn't an epic "one take hallway fight scene"....
That wasn't one take, just clever edits.

Also this is the lesbo lawyers doctor wife.



Life's a Dream
Oh fuck, the cop guy she's talking to in episode 2 is Lester from the Wire! He should be making doll house furniture.


Throbbing Member
That wasn't one take, just clever edits.
I don't know why people keep insisting it was multiple cuts when the director/fight director has stated multiple times it's a one shot scene.

I was just about to ask you about that one-shot scene.

I think this was what started defining the show for me, and the weight that was being played into it. Phil Abraham was directing, and it was always scripted that this scene was going to be a one-shot. For me in my head, with the time we had, I said let?s do wipes and we?ll be able save things. But Phil challenged us to do a pure one-shot, which really just brought a grounded real feeling to the whole thing. We were able to slow down the fight, and just have this raw, animalistic feeling happening.

So it was genuinely one shot? No cuts?

No cuts. We did do a few Texas Switches between our actor and our stunt double, but it was purely a one shot fight. There were no cuts in that fight. Every performer, the actors and the stunt doubles, were in there performing that fight full on. I?d say there was a minimum of 105 beats, and they killed it.


I don't know why people keep insisting it was multiple cuts when the director/fight director has stated multiple times it's a one shot scene.
They probably read and article about how they used multiple actors for Daredevil and hid the swap ins. Then months later someone mentions the scene, all they can remember is that they hid something so they assume its the edits. Then that uncontrollable need to correct people on the internet boils up and they can't stop themselves from posting.

Yeah and like Lyrical said all signs point to Iron Fist being sidelined for the Punisher. I don't know shit about the character but from the little I knew he always seemed like an odd fit for the Netflix shows. Punisher is cool, but a little part of me will miss the tumblr outrage that Iron Fist would have undoubtedly created.


Throbbing Member
Rumor has it Iron Fist is being replaced by The Punisher.
Quesada came out and said, just yesterday I think, that those rumors are untrue and that the series is still in the works. They also said that they may do a Punisher series as well.


<Prior Amod>
Quesada came out and said, just yesterday I think, that those rumors are untrue and that the series is still in the works. They also said that they may do a Punisher series as well.
"I'm pretty involved. I'm not on set every day but I'm pretty involved. Iron Fist is being worked on and that's all I can say."


Ok, got through the series.

Started off great as this Film Noir setting that had people with super powers, and devolved into the dumbest fucking mess by the halfway mark.

I mean this show is all over the place.. The characters constantly contradict themselves, and their power sets have no rules at all. Sometimes they are weak as fuck, sometimes they are insanely strong. It's almost like they were unsatisfied with the way the first half was going , and brought in a bunch of 13 year olds for the rest of it.

It just boggles the mind that any of this writing got through editing.

On the plus side, the actors are really good, and everything else is top notch. The direction, the cinematography, the orchestration, The editing all top tier.
Which makes it more of shame that they worked on such sloppy material...

If you just want to see Luke Cage fuck some shit up, and maybe Nuke. Stick around, but the show was just disappointing.

I really wish they would have kept their focus in the first couple episodes, and made this a cat and mouse Deathnote type of psycho thriller that was really smart, but we ended up getting was pretty much roll your eyes slop all the way through till the end.



Avatar of War Slayer
So is Simpson supposed to be Nuke?
seems that way.

anger issues. the "what did you do, wipe out a village?" comment. Its Nuke, but a toned down one.

ep 9
"we need a witness, with legal authority" "like a cop?" "yes" This is kindof funny. Because really... how the fuck did they not think of this back in like episode 2? They are looking for others with stories of kilgrave.. and she actively sends the cop who was sent to kill Patsy, and commanded to jump off the roof, away. then of course works with him, as a main character. and NO ONE considers this SARGENT would solve all there problems of testimony? Its glaringly stupid from from the getgo.

and yeah, red/white/blue pills confirmed in ep 9.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Watched the first episode. Jesus you don't even meet Kilgrave and he's already the downright scariest villain they've introduced.
One of my favorite graphic novels isEmperor Doom. Dr. Doom makes the Purple Man his bitch, and enhances his powers to enslave everyone in the world. And the only reason why Doom lost control of the world was because he got bored of not having anything to conquer. I'd love for the next big story arc for Avengers to be this, but they've screwed Doom up too bad, and don't even have the rights to him.



Doer of Things
Welp my binge is over, finished the series about an hour ago and must say that I enjoyed it. I thought Luke Cage was cast fantastically. Since I haven't read any of the Alias comics I can't comment on whether Jessica was, I did really enjoy the character though and thought it was played well. They certainly didn't undersell how much of a villain Killgrave was, again thought that he was played fantastically. For some reason I kept expecting Iron Fist to show up somewhere in the episodes, was kind of surprised that they didn't even reference him. I'm pretty excited for Luke Cage's series, also can't wait to see if they do some cross overs with Daredevil season 2. Overall, I'd rate it an 8/10 with my only complaints being some of the "Jessica throws massive object X" scene's being somewhat sloppily cut together.

Spoiler for those that have finished the last episode.
This was totally my reaction when she snapped his neck at the end.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I just finished it also, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I thought the entire cast was fantastic.

Jessica is one broken chick.

Luke Cage was pretty cool, seriously looking forward to his show, wonderfully cast in my opinion.

The Doctor, I mean Killgrave was awesome. The "nonchalant" way he used his abilities just contributed so much to how totally depraved and horrible he is. Best marvel villain so far.

The show had a few flaw, namely the varying power level of Jessica but it's a small thing and didn't detract from an overall excellent show.

Great villain and everyone did decent acting. Unfortunately I stopped being able to take JJ "powers" seriously at some point. Somewhere between the support group home invasion brawl and that hospital patient girl with a broken nose getting right back up. They made her too weak and sloppy. get it together lady