unwatchable, I tried. I bet everyone involved will be happy when the plug is pulled so they can not work on something more poorly made than the PBS version of Spiderman.
I have a couple of episodes sitting to watch has but I suspect this is getting deleted from my server. It's not that I don't have a high tolerance for crap. I sat through a season and a half of Legends of Tomorrow after all but this has been appalling so far.
unwatchable, I tried. I bet everyone involved will be happy when the plug is pulled so they can not work on something more poorly made than the PBS version of Spiderman.
What's sad is it's so bad they've actually damaged The Inhumans as a brand. They're going to have to shelve the royal family for a while just to let the stink wear off of them after this. Maybe once Perlmutter has retired/been run off and Feige decides he wants to make a real Inhumans movie. It'll be a more daunting reclamation project than Thor though.