ME1 is a perfect example of a game that is best remembered through rose tinted glasses. Hands down was my favorite until I went back and replayed it years later, and some of the tedium and clunk just does not hold up. To be fair, I've noticed this with a lot of older games, Morrowind is another golden example. I played that game for hundreds and hundreds of hours happily, but now even with every mod and upgrade I can throw at it, I can't bring myself to actually sit down and replay it because of the lack of modern game accoutrements and systems. On the one hand it sucks, because I do feel like a lot of these games keep going more and more light on the RPG elements that I love as new entries keeping getting released, but you also have to weigh that against overall smoothness of gameplay. Day one GOTY games for me these days are the ones that manage to combine deep RPG systems, with smooth gameplay and systems that all compliment each other. Unfortunately, I feel like almost everything these days can only get one or the other, not many Witcher 3's and the like.