With how bad this has turned out so far I am actually annoyed at my girlfriend for pre buying this for me.
I do t think anyone saw this big of a shit show coming. I mean I thought it most likely wouldn't be a great game but playable due to the media black outs and lack of any info, but I never would have thought it would be this terrible.
This is epic levels of what the fuck. inmean it honestly looks like some sick experiment.
Anyone got a clip of the gay alien? Gotta see this
I thought it was a very feminine male krogan too, but it isn't
I thought it was a very feminine male krogan too, but it isn't
So if you plan on making a character with fair skin, you’ll either have to wait until they release the patch or stick with Scott or Sara Ryder.
Well sure hope this is instruction for other companies going forward.
Catering to the screaming shrill SJW minority by hiring on a team of people unqualified to do their jobs means you make a bad game.
Ten years ago if you were a developer/whatever going around posting your reverse-misogynist bullshit for your customers to see, it would be a fast track to getting canned. Now having an opinion on SJW bullshit seems to actually be part of these people's resumes.
You're not hired to have an opinion. You're there to make a fucking game to standard. And apparently Bioware's new standard is ham-faced desexualized paper dolls and shitty off-label ME tumblr fanfic.
Oh god
Oh Jesus god
Jesus baby god Jesus
Someone call NASA
My sides have achieved orbit
I thought it was a very feminine male krogan too, but it isn't