what Suineg set it to
These are the Mass Effect : Andromeda of Mass Effect : Andromeda memes. Yeesh.
Oh come on:
- 6
These are the Mass Effect : Andromeda of Mass Effect : Andromeda memes. Yeesh.
Damn it I was just coming here to post that one. It gave me a hearty chuckle .
Simply incredible
Welcome to the new normal unfortunately.Guys.
H.o.l.y S.h.i.t this fucking dialogue is actually not just bad, but infuriating. Thank God I am a combat whore and really only care about that and MP so I can at least eek out ebbs of joy and time from the game.
If you are the opposite of me and really enjoy plot/story and dialogue exchange, lore etc. - absolutely do not waste your fucking time.
You know, I was really pissed about alot of censorship and alterations from Treehouse with the Nintendo shit but at the same time I soooort of understood because of Japanese culture and them wanting to make sure they exported something that would be acceptable by everyone, even if includes through the wall far left SJW shit.
This shit though...and a $40 million budget? Ugghh, it makes my fucking skin crawl that these retards are out there in real life and affecting the outcomes of real things, like $40 million dollar products that people wait years for. I cannot fucking stand it.
Nioh executes everything it sets out to do at an exceptional level. The same can only be said for ME: A if they intentionally made the writing sound like shitty ME fan-fiction and the faces to look like the 2nd string Special Olympics Team.
You should have used NieR then if you were just trying to troll me.
This guy just streamed the ending. It'
This guy just streamed the ending. It'