Aychamo's nose highlighter thread was the original hook for me to this site. I think Furor's rant got me to click here and then SS and General kept me here. I don't even know why that highlighter post caught my attention so much but it did. All the photoshop hijinks that came from it. I was young at the time and I guess that must have been the first time I had seen a group of MMO nerds like me on the internet just go hog wild uncensored with photoshop for days and days and days on end. So it's really no wonder that Bisi is King Tocunets these days considering the culture of this board, and what with his 1337 PS skillz.
This board also won me over because it is moderated the way I like. It has more or less just the right amount of content moderation (no gore and cp), while still letting us monkeys sling shit at each other.
I did manage to miss out on the Tyen and Trexx thing. I was pretty much inactive here during that time and never got a good telling of that story. Anyone care to regale us with the legend? I only know that they are 'horrible people' but have never heard the actual story.