Trader Joes is your friend for nukable food.
Although if you do have a regular oven, there is an easy meal that requires virtually no prep time and you just have to wait for it to cook. Heat your oven to like 425 or so. Get a big ass piece of aluminum foil and lay it on a cookie sheet. You know those frozen chicken breast tenderloin things they sell? Just the raw chicken breast but they are trimmed down and frozen and usually in a bag? Toss a couple of those on the tin foil. Then pour some olive oil on them (not a ton, just enough to coat them some). Then toss some frozen precut veggies in there...they're easy to find at any supermarket. I usually prefer a "Mediterranean mix" I get at the store that has onions, red bell peppers, zucinni, squash, etc. You can toss frozen mushrooms if you want, or maybe some rice. Whatever you like. Something to go with the chicken. Next, get some good tomato sauce. I usually use a spicy arrabica tomato sauce. Just dump some on the chicken/veggies. Little, lot. Whatever. Now, the foil...make sure you didn't overload the foil because you are going to fold the foil into a pouch (use that to guide how much stuff you are adding). Like fold up the sides like you are making a boat and pinch the foil together like you're making a pouch/giant potsticker. Do the same for the ends. So in the end everything is kind of folded inside a sealed foil pouch on top of the cookie sheet. Now throw it in the oven and let it cook for like 40+ minutes. Then take it out and you can either serve from that point (if you did the pouch right, all the liquid/sauce will be inside the foil "boat"/pouch. Get a bigass spoon to just serve stuff onto a plate if you don't want to make a mess. Makes cleanup easy since you can chuck the foil pouch+leftover sauce/stuff into the trash after) or you can open the top of the foil pouch ( careful! I use a butterknife sometimes to avoid that) and I throw it back into the oven for a bit so the meal gets a little direct heat exposure (and steam off a bit of the liquid).
Anyways, that is my go-to lazyman meal when I don't want something prepared or nuked, but I'm too lazy to prepare an involved meal. What is great about it is you can pretty much toss it in the oven after minimal effort and go watch a TV show or mess around on the PC while it cooks. It is also pretty hard to overcook, so it's not like those oven meals or a frozen pizza where you forget you had it in the oven and it is all charred because you left it in 3 minutes too long
Anyways, try that out and impress your wife ;P