

Bronze Knight of the Realm
That fucking church oh my god how long that took to only get it only like 60% done at the time. If we were able to import schematics, you probably know exactly what I would want to import. The amount of time I worked on an arena solo was nuts... like 2 months. Then a few people helped renovate it to make it look more awesome. Every time it was near completion, usually most people were not logging in anymore. I believe I have the exact schematics for it still.

Comparison of old vs renovated (without smooth lighting unfortunately)Madison Square Garden in Minecraft, Renovated - Album on Imgur

Also, server #1 will always be my favorite experience by far. My first introduction to the game was seeing people working on Minas Tirith. I think we were all so addicted to how fresh the experience was of being in control of building our own world the way we wanted it to be. I still have the original schematic for that map. A close #2 was building the city on what I think may have been #2. That was also amazing with all the skyscrapers and other modern buildings. I loved the movie theater I made on this one... sadly I don't have the schematic and I don't think anyone else has it. This game was easily in my top 5 of gaming experiences. Hard to believe it was about 6 years ago when I got so hooked on it. This is one of those games where I always love discussing its nostalgia factor, and I think the experience was also genuine, without any rose colored goggles aspect to it.


Server is up. I haven't gotten the permissions plugin to work yet that comes with Essentials. I tried to use my usual perm plugin but it hasn't been updated for this version of MC.

I have to go to lunch and will be back later to work on it some more.


<Gold Donor>
Sometimes Minecraft drives me nuts.

I wanted the underground part of my base to be visible through the water, but I wanted the water to be "correct" when you looked out from inside as well. So I dropped sand all over and then dug it out and carefully filled it back up with water one level at a time until it was all perfect, stationary water, no currents from missing source blocks, etc. Go inside and look, and it still looks like the water is falling down, find out it is because that's just how it acts next to glass. I could have saved a ton of time by just putting the water on the top correctly.

I considered trying panes to see if that makes a difference, but I wanted the block look, and that's a shitload of glass to just destroy anyway.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
One of the most fun minecraft things I've done is build a dome at the bottom of a lake in survival mode.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is Whitelist needed to visit server? or only for making changes to the world?
Can you use Player Name or must you use Account Name to get whitelisted?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sacel is character name and Conefoh is account name.
New characters are now female by default, which prompted me to try out skin making; I recreated my EQ starting character using templates on a 3rd party program.


So...! Uh... about that FTB Server.

Is it just kids? Mostly because I would feel weird if it is just a bunch of ten year olds. Also, is there a plan to wipe/restart/whatever the server soon? Because if there is, I would be hesitant to join.

Sorry for being a bother.


Vyemm Raider
Nutcrusher is looking at plugins to allow us to /sethome, /home, etc. Have to find that and a permissions plugin that work together smoothly for 1.8.2, or something like that. (I don't know anything about this kind of stuff).

Anyway, if you guys like the server we would appreciate any donations you are willing to throw our way. The FTB server isn't very busy these days so we have been paying for most of it for a while. You can go here and enter an amount to donate (page will open to paypal when you enter an amount and click donate).http://www.mystichorizons.com/shop


Vyemm Raider
So...! Uh... about that FTB Server.

Is it just kids? Mostly because I would feel weird if it is just a bunch of ten year olds. Also, is there a plan to wipe/restart/whatever the server soon? Because if there is, I would be hesitant to join.

Sorry for being a bother.
I would encourage you to try it. It's not very busy (0-7 players online at once max), the map was reset a few months ago.

I make it sound worse than it is because most regulars know I am Jeri's husband and if something goes wrong they make me go get her. Daliena is on there a lot; she helps run it and she's really cool. I would say most of the people are nice and are over 18, it's just the kids that stick out when they're on because they annoy us old timers.

I think the borders are 7-8k so there is plenty of space to find some peace and quiet.


Yeah the FTB map was reset in November and I have no plans of resetting it again anytime soon unless an update requires it which I doubt will be anytime soon. Overall the younger people in the Minecraft game tend to play vanilla since FTB can be hard for them to grasp. Plus when whitelisting people for the FTB server I look at their history in depth and a lot of the younger people have previous bans and they claim they've grown up a lot since the bans 4 months prior. Yeah those people don't get whitelisted. Anyways at the present time we have pretty mature people overall. The girl that I have in charge of daily activities is awesome. She's older than me and an awesome person.
I'd say try the server out and if you end up not liking it then that's fine. We don't require a contract :p

Oh also speaking about map resets...although I don't plan on doing a map reset of the main world for a long while, I should let you know that I reset the maps of the additional world's at the beginning of each month. (ie Nether, Twilight, Mining World, Bedrock world, etc)

For anyone who would like to try out the FTB server post here with your mc name and let me know it's for the FTB server.