Log Wizard
How did you paint that cloak? Any special techniques or paints?
It's glorious. Another piece of inspiration for me to get off my ass and actually throw down the money for a kit and a starter army. Still not decided on faction.
Pull up a fold up chair at a table at the store and browse your ass off. Just walk in like you own the place. I read 2 codexes first trip, 4 the next. Definitely glad I did. Buying all 6 of em im sure woulda added up.
They offered local paint classes that I was all ready to go for but I got individualized attention (and needed it, I couldn't even do one brown belt pouch well when I first attempted after priming).
If you're lucky, can attract one of the local ultra beards (dead giveaway when u see em) who will very politely knowledge transfer everything in their head (reason I only read 2 the first time) that they spent decades amassing, free of charge. I got one going based on loving Total Warhammer 2 and you couldn't peel this one off me with a jack hammer. It was welcomed because he actually helped me find supporting lore I thought would match my interests and all that.
I'd be a Drukhari (I still want a list with a bomber) and unpainted without the various frens in orbit of this game.
He's done some work for me, can definitely recommend his service. I'd for sure go to him before hitting up companies like Frontline etc.
I might get just one thing or two from anyone I can here for sentimental purposes.
I have a chap in terminator armor, jump pack librarian and some devastators to go for an alt list. Might get the chap/lib an "upper tier" job, getting addicted to the sexy models tbh.
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