Started working on this gnoll guy tonight. Main goals for this one are to get better at keeping my paint thin and smooth and for the most part I think I did better than my previous minis. Managed to get the shield and mail coated without losing too much detail on them and the axe came out nice and smooth (as smooth as I could get it for this model anyway. I’m starting to dislike the Reaper minis since they just feel a bit lumpy and I have a bitch of a time figuring out where some details end and others begin).
Biggest issue I was having was with the tan paint at the end of the night, shit just would not stop leaving little clumpy bits everywhere and I had that shit almost pure water. I didn’t get much done for how long I spent on this (about an hour and a half to two hours) and I’m wondering if since I’m taking too long for a single color, am I just ending up with a shitload of dry paint hiding in the bristles or something. What’s the recommended time to go between cleaning your brushes?
I think I need to get a new small base brush already since the bristles have basically split in half and it’s a pain in the ass trying to get into small places like that. Also need to grab an exacto knife to try and trim some chuff off future models (this one has a ton on it and my utility knife was way too big to try and get in there to trim).
Realized that I don’t have a good color for gnoll skin other than maybe my mechanicus grey. Hoping if I use that then some agrax skill shade will make it look more natural, but we’ll see.

Biggest issue I was having was with the tan paint at the end of the night, shit just would not stop leaving little clumpy bits everywhere and I had that shit almost pure water. I didn’t get much done for how long I spent on this (about an hour and a half to two hours) and I’m wondering if since I’m taking too long for a single color, am I just ending up with a shitload of dry paint hiding in the bristles or something. What’s the recommended time to go between cleaning your brushes?
I think I need to get a new small base brush already since the bristles have basically split in half and it’s a pain in the ass trying to get into small places like that. Also need to grab an exacto knife to try and trim some chuff off future models (this one has a ton on it and my utility knife was way too big to try and get in there to trim).
Realized that I don’t have a good color for gnoll skin other than maybe my mechanicus grey. Hoping if I use that then some agrax skill shade will make it look more natural, but we’ll see.

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