SupCherish the hideous first couple batches, they're always fun to bust out later and see how far you've come.
Back the camera up so it’s in focus, take the pic, then edit it, zoom in and crop the pic.Some day I'll learn how to take non-bigfoot photos.
Looks great man.I was going to copy someone else's painting scheme but could not find any so I decided to just go at it. I'm mighty proud on how it ended up!
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Thanks, yea the cloth is the part I feel is unfinished. I was going to revisit it but forgot.Looks great man.
I’d do some dry brushing or highlighting with a lighter color on the cloth/waist things he’s wearing on the raised areas. Raising the highlight of the raised edges of cloth folds does a lot for the visual appeal of it. Gives it a lot more depth and appearance of light/shadows.
Not sure if you’ve done highlighting like the but just start with taking the same color you used and mix in a little white, do the raised areas. Then add a little more white and do smaller area, etc til you’re happy with it.Thanks, yea the cloth is the part I feel is unfinished. I was going to revisit it but forgot.The colors came out kinda crap in the phot now that I compare. Might post a better one later with proper lighting.
I did most of the highlighting with dry brushin the same color on the "nuln oiled" base coat, the skin looks awesome in person, not so much in the picture on the PC. Will revisit the cloth/chainmail or whatever it is and see if I can improve it later.Not sure if you’ve done highlighting like the but just start with taking the same color you used and mix in a little white, do the raised areas. Then add a little more white and do smaller area, etc til you’re happy with it.
Yea those look awesome. I only did white base and yellow layer but can continue to add a few more layers in there. Could always smash some red over it and try it your way. Was kinda a quick way to make them glowy, almost left them black.A tip on the eyes too. Try a red base, then an orange layer while leaving the slight edges red, then yellow while leaving slight edge of the orange.then some thin pure whit in the centers. Will give it a fiery glowing effect.
Usually after all that is applied I do a light yellow glaze over the whole area to blend it all together a little better, then do one more tiny spot of light white in the center.
That’s how I do my lanterns, they look pretty cool.
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It’s just needs a little depth is all, easiest way would just be to add some thin white in the centers. The rest of the model has gradients and shades but the eyes look like a base coat and makes them stand out as unfinished.Yea those look awesome. I only did white base and yellow layer but can continue to add a few more layers in there. Could always smash some red over it and try it your way. Was kinda a quick way to make them glowy, almost left them black.