I'm at Xeno now. Will kill him tonight. I'm amazed how easy the story quest Teostra and Vaal Hazak were. I think Vaal was easier than the first time I fought Great Jagras to be honest.
Even without the miasma protection? Are you using a ranged weapon? Vaal kind of sucked with the hammer. I moved to a lance instead to kill him.
Sometimes you'll want to craft a new weapon, and you'll notice the upgrade path needs some fucking fish monster drops from LR and you have to go kill one or two to get them, but other than that no.So I'm just getting into HR. Any reason to do lowrank stuff anymore? Seems to me that it all gets made irrelevant. I missing something?
So I'm just getting into HR. Any reason to do lowrank stuff anymore? Seems to me that it all gets made irrelevant. I missing something?
Sometimes you'll want to craft a new weapon, and you'll notice the upgrade path needs some fucking fish monster drops from LR and you have to go kill one or two to get them, but other than that no.
What is there to discuss? Do note, it's outdated, slightly. Hero streamstones can drop from T2, and I believe T1 can drop warrior too, they changed that in a patch and this page is from before that, but it's based on the japanese game guide or whatever.
Well, Nergi and Teo both have a fuck you move that no amount of experience is going to make you immune too, especially Nergi. In my experience on console and pc, the two worst group killers are Nergi and Bagel, but I still group nearly 100% of the time since it is both easier and more exciting (even if frustratiing at times).12% my ass on warrior stones on T1!
Also...It makes zero sense to group. I'm batting a 1000 lately on all my solo tempered kills. Like 50% as soon as I group. ALWAYS the same deaths on Nerigigante and ol' Teostra. Hazaak or whatever...ALWAYS a breath, or some fool comes in without miasma protection.
You should definitely be farming higher threat level for augments. There isn't really a reason to farm T1 at all, unless you're reversing the numbers. T1 is HR13 stuff like rathian and paolumu and all that crap, and it doesn't really drop anything worthwhile. T2 is where you want to go for some decorations as it has a bit higher chance for these. T3 for augments, that's elder dragons. That said it's super RNG, for example I killed quite a lot of tempered elders, I got 2-3 of every hero streamstones(4gun) and 0 of the greatsword/longsword ones. I think I don't have gun warrior streamstones either, but I have a bunch of all the other ones.Ok...If it's outdated. I'm looking at that thinking I need to be farming T2 mobs...not T1 for my warrior stones.
I need this plus a way to conveniently copy the data into chat plus getting a lot better, lol
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