Monster Hunter: World


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
So Alatreon dropped yesterday. Anyone up for killing? Since pugging this will drive me insane.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm not understanding the bitching that is going on in regards to Alatreon. The biggest excuse is that the fight is different than all the others in that it -requires- you to use elemental weapons. Yet, so what? Pick a weapon you're good with, get an elemental version of it and play well. No need to get hung up on that the fact that you need elemental weapons, lol.


Trakanon Raider
Likely because its a DPS check fight that instagibbs you if you don't meet it. On top of it being a challenging fight in general that is only going to add to the frustration.

Very few DPS check related fights exist in Monster Hunter, the few that do are typically not challenging or extremely gimmicky, and none just instakill you.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Likely because its a DPS check fight that instagibbs you if you don't meet it. On top of it being a challenging fight in general that is only going to add to the frustration.

Very few DPS check related fights exist in Monster Hunter, the few that do are typically not challenging or extremely gimmicky, and none just instakill you.
They should embrace it!


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I'm not understanding the bitching that is going on in regards to Alatreon. The biggest excuse is that the fight is different than all the others in that it -requires- you to use elemental weapons. Yet, so what? Pick a weapon you're good with, get an elemental version of it and play well. No need to get hung up on that the fact that you need elemental weapons, lol.

I wish it was that. You pretty much can't PUG this. One person can't carry. You also really want people to have different elemental weapons. But that's tough to coordinate that since most people ignore the chat it seems. Or use the SOS which drops you into the fight, not the base. People have no clue about blights. People are scared to hit the head.

Add these up, and I'm having a bad 1st day. 20 attempts with PUGS? 1 group beats the 1st dps check.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It'll get better. Everything you need to know about the fight is out there to be read, and many ppl will read it. You will probably be "done" with Alatreon by Monday.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
It'll get better. Everything you need to know about the fight is out there to be read, and many ppl will read it. You will probably be "done" with Alatreon by Monday.

Yeah you're right. Fight is pretty easy.

They really need to allow you to drop in the base as the quest starter so you can coordinate an SOS.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X

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Trakanon Raider
Alatreon just like in MH3 yay.

People bitching about the fight have never played past MH's if you've played 3 onward this fight is a joke.. other then his Insta-kill trick(that's a new one haha)


<Silver Donator>
Alatreon just like in MH3 yay.

People bitching about the fight have never played past MH's if you've played 3 onward this fight is a joke.. other then his Insta-kill trick(that's a new one haha)
A lot of people bitching is somewhat justified imo. The fact is, in MHW, weapons aren't equal at all when it comes to elemental. The fact the nova is entirely dependant on element, means some weapon types get kinda fucked on this fight pretty hard(greatsword notably, hammer and gunlance too). You can still beat the fight with these but it requires extra work and a set entirely designed around the fight(as opposed to adjusting your gear slightly for a given fight, like getting antiblast for raging brachy). It's just kinda poorly designed in that regard.

People who bitch because it's too hard are retarded though, it's supposed to be hard, but people who complain because they can't use greatsword without doing a frostcraft build which changes how the weapon is played entirely are fairly justified. I think if they tweak the values a little bit or buff elemental damage on these slow weapons(which won't really affect balance much mind you, they'll still be raw centric regardless, just a bit less terrible at elemental) it'll probably be fine. Like they should buff the elemental multiplier on stuff like TCS by A LOT, so you can play ele greatsword without frostcraft unsheathing gameplay and still be fine. That or maybe make the nova reduced by total elemental resists, so you could do a fancy set with several ele resist decos+ele food+ele mantle and sacrifice a bunch of damage but be able to survive the nova outright(which I think would make sense thematically too).
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Fatalis patch is out. 1st fight where you can't have any dead weight. And a healer is pretty much a must. Finally killed him, but took 30 attempts! My favorite fight in MHW by a mile. He does have some VERY cheesy moves though.
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<Silver Donator>
Gonna get back into this. What mods you currently running Brahma? Whats the go to DMG meter now? Need a "hey here's the shit that fell off the monster" mod too I guess for the light beams.

Edit: Never mind, game crashed and it corrupted my save. GG Monster Hunter.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Gonna get back into this. What mods you currently running Brahma? Whats the go to DMG meter now? Need a "hey here's the shit that fell off the monster" mod too I guess for the light beams.

Edit: Never mind, game crashed and it corrupted my save. GG Monster Hunter.

Just fix it man!