They are not accepting donations. They were initially hesitant to even offer merch but I think they may have some soon. You can ask them during a livestream or in Discord about their funding. I’m sure they will answer. Shawn is streaming right now.can someone please accelerate the development of a time machine so I can play this tonite?
Actually, I looked around to see if there was some way I could contribute to the project. I don't normally like to buy games in EA, and I've scoffed at the notion of funding games like Star Citizen and Pantheon, but this project really resonates and I was interested in providing support. I was impressed to find no donation links. Is this already fully funded? Or are Shawn and team just not accepting public money because they don't want to give the wrong impression or become hamstrung by donor opinions? Either way, kudos to the devs. Warp speed!
Right now they're developing a proof-of-concept that can be used to seek funding.can someone please accelerate the development of a time machine so I can play this tonite?
Actually, I looked around to see if there was some way I could contribute to the project. I don't normally like to buy games in EA, and I've scoffed at the notion of funding games like Star Citizen and Pantheon, but this project really resonates and I was interested in providing support. I was impressed to find no donation links. Is this already fully funded? Or are Shawn and team just not accepting public money because they don't want to give the wrong impression or become hamstrung by donor opinions? Either way, kudos to the devs. Warp speed!
Right now they're developing a proof-of-concept that can be used to seek funding.
I mean, how much do they need? We haven't had a good Kickstarter in ages.
Let's do it!!
I feel like they haven't really nailed the old school poly look yet, but I assume most of these assets are place holders?
I like it. Big ogre guy reminds me of Zelda OOT for some reason.You can see the first passes of models in their most recent update on the website. Though not final, this is the direction they're going to go at this time so I would expect the final models to look similar. They've stated that the "old school" look will be coming from low poly and painted faces, but may use finer details in textures than what was available in '99 because this isn't just a remake of EQ, it's a new IP meant to stand on its own legs.
I like it. Big ogre guy reminds me of Zelda OOT for some reason.
So is this game just going to be an EQ spiritual successor, or does it have some ideas of it's own? Because honestly, it's been to long for an EQ spiritual successor to really pull in anyone. It will need it's own unique features to be interesting to anyone I think.
Oh wow. So that’s what a game update looks like when it’s actually in development and not a Ponzi scheme.just received an update via the mailing list!
I would definitely buy a T shirt, Shawn!
Update 19: The March of Progress — Monsters & Memories
Hello everyone! Rather than a bunch of words this time around, how about we give you some bulleted lists and a lot of images? Okay? Let’s go! Design Modified our player starting stats and formulas to begin at a much lower number This reduced them down from a starting range of 70-90
I've been hurt before.Make no mistake, Shawn knows how to get shit done. This game will come out at some point. Pantheon? Who knows..