becuase im a big fucking nerd who watches easter egg and rumor videos on youtube when i'm not watching car and DIY videos.I'm more interested in why those shit videos are in your recommended.
Kitana is a revenant now. Ain't nobody tryna rub one out to Kitana? pathetic
Kitana is a revenant now. Ain't nobody tryna rub one out to that.
Jezebel is beyond trash. But, this sets off so many alarm bells. Probably did it on purpose. hate clicks, and look at the reactions. how many vids made on this now?Lol, what the fuck? How do these clowns not know this?
Kabal is in the movie. You can see him briefly in the trailer with his hook swords.Did we see baraka? I dont think he was shown in trailer unless I missed it.
If they put Motaro in this I will laugh. Seeing a horseman in CGI would be hilariously bad I bet. Although like i said the Goro looked pretty good. I wonder how far they are going to go with dumb/obscure character cameos. Seeing Stryker, Kabal, Nightwolf, Sector, Cyrax etc would be fun if they did it right. (and I mean them getting destroyed by finishers)
Some of his voice lines from MK3 were shit like 'its brutality time'.You know Stryker wont be in this because of all the ACAB BLM shit. I always loved him. In a world of super powers hes a fat cop in a backwards hat with grenades and a night stick
Some of his voice lines from MK3 were shit like 'its brutality time'.
can you imagine that flying in the burn loot murder era? lol
the guy who did get over here voice is ed boon, he's made every mortal kombat since 1995, i guess nintendo has morimoto and midway has ed boonThat was the weakest fuckin "Get Over Here!" eveeeeeeeer. LikeLanx said that shit or something. Call your peeps man.
the guy who did get over here voice is ed boon, he's made every mortal kombat since 1995, i guess nintendo has morimoto and midway has ed boon