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Some notes on DC title launch.
DC"s New 52-Notes from the NYC Retailer Summit | Facebook
Interesting points:
"not writing to trade" stories wont be forced to 6 issues for trade they claim. This lets storys be written as wanted. and opens up potential anthologies.
Books I recommend checking out. Mostly what I said in the first place. A bit art, a bit premise. (I"m not working on any of these atm)
Justice League international:
C-list is the best list. Great pedigree here. what you need to understand with comics is A-list, are intro characters, and icons. Icons can"t change. And get constantly rebooted just like this. They need to be the same 10 years from now, as they were when you started reading, so new readers recognize the character. This is why Barry Allen is the Flash again, etc. (Partially some of it is, "everything is better when you were 12. new coe"s come in and decide the characters that THEY grew up with are the best, and retcon all growth back to their childhood. Completely ignoring that all the kids know the NEW guys as the character. Aka. John Stewart is Green Lantern to anyone under the age of 20.)
So, C-list gives creators WAY more creative freedom. They can do whatever they want. And this gives you characters like Fire and Ice, Powergirl and Booster gold. 100 times more interesting then Supes, or even Batman.
Action comics:
Typically fun vignettes of Metropolis. often focusing on Lois lane, Jimmy Olsen, Lex Luthor etc. Powergirl lost her book. Expect her to show up here.
Supergirl: Best colorist in comics is working on this.
"Supergirl, as she has been written, sometimes comes across as mature and responsible as a 40 year-old adult. She shouldn"t. She"s a teen who is still finding herself and her character should reflect that."
But that scares me. Those exact words were used for her, teenage whore period. teengirl "finding herself" translates badly for 40 year old white male writers. More cosmic adventures, less angst.
Morrison is writing iirc. Dude does superman well.
Batbooks: all of them have been pretty good. I see no reason for this to change.
young justice books. skip em all.
Justice league dark:
I"m most interested in this. DC magic is pretty great.
Zatanna, Constantine, Xanadu, etc. wow.
If there is one fuck yeah, part of this reboot. This is it.
Stormwatch with martian manhunter.
Suicide Squad
Check all those out.
Where is Zealot? Zealot on the JLA would be pretty awesome.
DC"s New 52-Notes from the NYC Retailer Summit | Facebook
Interesting points:
"not writing to trade" stories wont be forced to 6 issues for trade they claim. This lets storys be written as wanted. and opens up potential anthologies.
Books I recommend checking out. Mostly what I said in the first place. A bit art, a bit premise. (I"m not working on any of these atm)
Justice League international:
C-list is the best list. Great pedigree here. what you need to understand with comics is A-list, are intro characters, and icons. Icons can"t change. And get constantly rebooted just like this. They need to be the same 10 years from now, as they were when you started reading, so new readers recognize the character. This is why Barry Allen is the Flash again, etc. (Partially some of it is, "everything is better when you were 12. new coe"s come in and decide the characters that THEY grew up with are the best, and retcon all growth back to their childhood. Completely ignoring that all the kids know the NEW guys as the character. Aka. John Stewart is Green Lantern to anyone under the age of 20.)
So, C-list gives creators WAY more creative freedom. They can do whatever they want. And this gives you characters like Fire and Ice, Powergirl and Booster gold. 100 times more interesting then Supes, or even Batman.
Action comics:
Typically fun vignettes of Metropolis. often focusing on Lois lane, Jimmy Olsen, Lex Luthor etc. Powergirl lost her book. Expect her to show up here.
Supergirl: Best colorist in comics is working on this.
"Supergirl, as she has been written, sometimes comes across as mature and responsible as a 40 year-old adult. She shouldn"t. She"s a teen who is still finding herself and her character should reflect that."
But that scares me. Those exact words were used for her, teenage whore period. teengirl "finding herself" translates badly for 40 year old white male writers. More cosmic adventures, less angst.
Morrison is writing iirc. Dude does superman well.
Batbooks: all of them have been pretty good. I see no reason for this to change.
young justice books. skip em all.
Justice league dark:
I"m most interested in this. DC magic is pretty great.
Zatanna, Constantine, Xanadu, etc. wow.
If there is one fuck yeah, part of this reboot. This is it.
Stormwatch with martian manhunter.
Suicide Squad
Check all those out.
Where is Zealot? Zealot on the JLA would be pretty awesome.