The Silmarilion. Maybe as an HBO series, but preferably as 3 movies. Some creative freedom would have to be used to come up with all the dialogue, but there is more than enough story there for 3 movies. I want to see Feanor try to solo like all the fucking Balrogs at once with today's top-end cinema magic. I don't know if an HBO series would be able to do shit like that justice.
i've actually imagined a trailer for this.
[a star shines in the night. screen goes black.]
voice-over: You have come a long way
[a massive shore, a boat anchored. dark mountains take up the screen, a small pass of light in the middle. the boat carries tiny dots that appear to be men. another dot with a flowing gown--a lady stands on the shore to the side. a man with a flashlight? on his head walks into the pass]
voice: across the wide sea, to the Undying Lands
[we see the man stepping into an empty city of incredible beauty. the beam on his brow lights the way]
voice: through hardship
[we see a giant, half-human half-something, sitting on a great chair. other giants sit nearby in a ring of chairs. the man with light on his brow kneels before the giants. the voice-over belongs to the one named Mandos]
voice: through ruin, in the name of Elves and Men
[the kneeling man lifts his face, and the light above his eyes comes from a jewel set into a circlet]
Mados: Have you not, Earendil, son of Tuor
[rapid scenes unfold. skyscraper lamps, gods, a lake surrounded by stars, trees shriveling, ships burning, a girdle of mist, monsters, a city of caves, a giant shadow with three lights, oceans breaking the world, seeing stones, laughter in a temple as it drowns and sinks into the void]
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