I enjoyed the second episode, I think the show so far has been great. To be honest if you want to do diversity, this is about as good as you can go about doing it. She’s Pakistani so it’s part of her life, but I don’t feel at any time so far that they want to beat you over the head with it. It’s just who she is, and everything about the culture is done very organicall.
Obviously it’s aimed at teens so some aspect of that I find annoying as an adult, but it’s just fun so far. I think the girl is just the perfect casting, she’s as much a fangirl in real life as she is as Kamala and that‘s kinda make her very endearing and somewhat relatable, I was a teen once who collected comics, and thought about super-heroes all the time and they weren’t real in my world as they in hers.
Hopefully the show continues on this path as it’s really enjoyabe.