Red Dagger is a solo character in the comics I believe. They made it into a group for the show.I am liking the series. The red daggers has only 2 people? She is getting better with her powers. And I BET some of the foods she eats on the show are completely adlib to get her honest reactions. The toffee comes to mind
Yeah and you know as soon as the Mom made those Hulk outfits that she was probably gonna put the suit together.i really like that we have seen her collect various pieces of the Ms Marvel costume over the last few episodes, instead of just suddenly appearing fully kitted out in the finale.
Granted, I've only read a little Indian history, but from what I know of it, it's weird that they keep talking about the Partition as something the British inflicted on India. There's a lot of shit in India and Pakistan's history that can be laid at the feet of the British--I trust I'm not blowing anybody's mind with that--but the Partition is pretty much the one thing that can't be. That just about entirely came down to Muslims fearing that they would fall under Hindu oppression if they remained part of an independent India (no clue how justified those fears were), and thus demanding their own country. Hell, the British officials were under orders to make sure that India didn't splinter when they withdrew (oops).Partition episode was interesting. Glad they didn't go super deep into the religious shit and just showed how shitty the whole deal was. Also filled in the backstory and leads up to the conflict in the final episode. I assume Mom is gonna make the Ms. Marvel costume in the final ep.
The inhuman show bombing put a big wrench in her true origin. This works better and links her to the origin of the 10 rings from Shang-chi as well.So I tried explaining the comic origin and backstory for Kamala to a person who has only seen this series. In the midst of telling it I realized how ludicrous it sounded and that the whole Djinn / India/Pakistan partition / South Asian culture route was a far better direction.
And now... the Woke crowd start eating their own....
Associating MS. MARVEL with Djinn Is a Serious Problem
Ms. Marvel and the association of the djinn with Kamala Khan is extremely problematic for many reasons and is a disservice to her comic
You might be right on him blaming Kamala. My own thought was that when the mother killed herself to unlock his powers, she also injected her crazy into his mind. So he'll fight Kamala just because he's now the new "big bad" that was made by crazy lady.Looking forward to the last episode. I expect Kamran is going to blame Kamala for his mother‘s death and we‘ll have a nice superhero vs super vilain battle.
I think they'll patch up and it'll end up being Damage Control as the actual bad guys. As they are the ones that just blew up Kamran and Bruno.You might be right on him blaming Kamala. My own thought was that when the mother killed herself to unlock his powers, she also injected her crazy into his mind. So he'll fight Kamala just because he's now the new "big bad" that was made by crazy lady.
I don't care a whole fuck about diversity in comics as long as the character makes sense and isn't just a racial/gender reboot. Who cares if she's Muslim, or Hindu, or Tibetan...Clicked into this thread expecting torches and pitchforks and instead I see people enjoying this show.
I consider it the weakest MCU show so far, but that's probably because I'm not the target demographic and I'm a little disturbed by the overabundance of "wearing a hijab is how I feel free as a woman" virtue signaling and the "Visit Pakistan!" advertising... I mean it's not the worst thing I've seen on TV but I liked the other shows better, couldn't really care less about what happens to the characters and I keep falling asleep during episodes (even during the goddamn chase) so that's not a good point for me.
Haven't seen this forum enjoying something with so much brown in it since Vanguard.
I'm a little disturbed by the overabundance of "wearing a hijab is how I feel free as a woman" virtue signaling and the "Visit Pakistan!" advertising...
Moon night was liquid dogshit.Clicked into this thread expecting torches and pitchforks and instead I see people enjoying this show.
I consider it the weakest MCU show so far, but that's probably because I'm not the target demographic and I'm a little disturbed by the overabundance of "wearing a hijab is how I feel free as a woman" virtue signaling and the "Visit Pakistan!" advertising... I mean it's not the worst thing I've seen on TV but I liked the other shows better, couldn't really care less about what happens to the characters and I keep falling asleep during episodes (even during the goddamn chase) so that's not a good point for me.
Haven't seen this forum enjoying something with so much brown in it since Vanguard.